Chapter 11: Let The Games Begin

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It was a few days before the games. Students competing were almost through signing up. The swimming team had been working their hearts off for this big event, like no other. As the youngest captain of the swimming club, Jiang Cheng was under a lot of pressure. 

Some were waiting for him to fail already but he had held on for so long. When one of his best swimmers suffered an injury during training, the captain cried to his friends at home. They were on the pool patio, having a good time.

"I'm fucked. I can't settle for the leftovers who can't even make it across one lap," Jiang Cheng banged his forehead into the table continuously. 

"Slow down drama queen, it's just a competition. It's not the end of the world," Wen Qing did not bother consoling him. That never works with someone like Jiang Cheng. 

Yanli was outside with a bowl of chips while Wen Ning carried more drinks. Most of the servants had the day off so they had to take care of it themselves. "Is it that bad?" Yanli caressed Jiang Cheng's hair, trying to get him to stop abusing his pretty face. 

"You have no idea. If I mess this up, I'll get voted out of my seat for sure," said Jiang Cheng, moping with a crispy snack in his mouth. 

Wei Ying got out of the water when he was done playing fish in the pool. Huaisang tossed him a towel, which he hung over his head. "What's happening guys," Wei Ying dipped his hand in the bowl. His body was heavy, acting like a magnet towards the earth. He could hardly move his legs when sat down.

"Hey, why not ask Wei Ying to take that guy's place, isn't he a good swimmer?" Wen Qing suggested. 

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes, "Nah, this is my thing, I do not need him raining on my parade. He has enough attention as it is."

"Pfft! What? You wish I would," Wei Ying smacked him on the head. "Anyway, I'm not interested in getting wet during the games. I prefer to stay dry and hot."


"Wei Xiong, what of Lan Wangji? Didn't you say you could get him to compete?" Huaisang brought an interesting point to the table. 

"Yeah what happened to that? Did the jade scare you into chickening out?" Wen Qing said. 

"Haha, more like killed him with the silent treatment," Jiang Cheng suddenly felt better contributing to ridiculing his brother. 

Wei Ying licked the dipping sauce off his lips, nodding as the crew giggled in mockery of his delay.  They knew him well, they knew he hated being dared or reminded of his failures. "Today is Wednesday, right? Give me up to next Monday, and we'll see who chickened out of what," his eyes darkened. 

"Ohh, watch out guys, I think he just entered a beast mood," said Jiang Cheng.

"Shut up, I'm the one helping you here!" Wei Ying hissed.  


Thursday morning...

Wei Ying had a plan when he joined the second jade's car. Lan Wangji was careful about looking at him the whole time but he wasn't. 

"Am I coming over this weekend?" He said.

"Mn," Lan Wangji hummed.

"Yeah, I forgot to ask. How is your mother?"

"She is....okay," Wangji did not count on the discussion going that way.

"Mmm, I see... Lan Zhan, have I not been a bad son-in-law?" Wei Ying sat sideways to get a proper look at Wangji, his hands tucked on his knees. "It's poor of me to not pay homage to Madam Lan. You know; visit her, ask for her advice."

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