Chapter 6: One Last Reproof

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Wei Ying started a fire, knowing well he could also catch flames. Fuelled by anger he put his threats against Lan Wangji into action, creating fake impressions about his relationship with the jade, and secretly sending images and texts that painted Lan Wangji as a violent person.

Every morning the jade was bombarded with articles and newsletters concerning his private life. His face became the ultimate billboard for gossip trends. 

'Hanguangjun, a narcissist who loves controlling his partners.'

'Wei Wuxian spotted with swollen lips, who caused it?'

'A WangXian Wedding: Is It A Hoax?'

Denying the allegations did not withhold Qinghenjun's anger toward his son. "If Wei Ying is the one circulating this then you must have given him a reason to!" the clan leader was slowly losing his temper. But confronting the omega only made things worse. Wei Ying began granting secret interviews to anyone who cared to listen, saying the most ridiculous things. Wangji lost it when the omega decided to post a scandalous picture of himself at a club, hugging a man whose face did not show. And it was clear that someone was not Lan Wangji...

Lotus Mansion.

Wei Ying was soothingly awoken by singing birds outside his window. He opened the curtains, basking in the glow of the morning sun.
Yawning, the wild one strolled down the stairs like a little prince. One foot at a time. Who knew wrecking a man's reputation could feel so good? Even his dreams were filled with a thousand ways to kill Lan Wangji- and it was blissful. 

Getting to the dining area, the wild one hops enthusiastically, flying his arms as he sings, "Good Morning Gusu! What a wonderful day to have breakfast and... Ahhh!" It ended with a scream.

"M...Mu...Mother...*nervous laugh*... you're all here," Wei Ying stuttered, feeling dizzy as he recounted the people in the room. His siblings bore a worried look as if they had just received their share of rebuke.
"Come on, take a seat," Madam Yu said with a frighteningly sweet voice.

Moving forward, Wei Ying began to sweat. As he sat down, his first focus fell on a stack of papers exposing him of all the mishaps he's been engaging in. Madam Yu took her time to go through each one of them, smirking whenever she saw anything to be impressed by.

Fengmiang, "A'Ying, did you do all this?"

Wei Ying's head dropped. He wouldn't dare to admit to it in front of his parents.

"And this person in the photo, who is he?" Madam Yu flipped a picture at the centre of the table.

Wei Ying, "..."

Madam Yu, "Are you not going to answer?"

"No one...It was just young Master Nie," the wild one kept his eyes low.

Madam Yu, "Are you into omegas now, is that what's happening here?"

Wei Ying pursed his lips, choosing his words cautiously while everyone in the room awaited his reply. "We're only friends. I was drunk when I took that picture, I didn't think it would cause problems.  Im sorry," the wild one apologized. 

Jiang Fengmian sighed. What more could he do other than give his sons more bad news. "I will let this pass, but there's going to be some changes in terms of your housing arrangements." 

"What changes, Father?" Jiang Cheng's heart jumped uncomfortably at those words. These days change meant getting along with the Lans and anything that had to do with the Lans was often burdensome. Plus Xichen was the last person he wanted to see. 

Fengmian, "Well, due to the bad press surrounding the four of you, the Lans and I have agreed to let you move in together."

"You've got to be kidding me," Wei Ying gasped. Jiang Cheng already has a scowl up, ready to blame the 

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