Chapter 8: A Jade's Promise

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"Ahh, what a beautiful day to be hot as F," Wei Ying stretched during physical training. He was sweaty, sticky and a little breezy in his revealing shorts. Huaisang came crashing to the floor moments after, breathing like a pregnant fish. "How can this...stupid exercise...God, I can't breathe...I'm gonna die," he rolled on the grass.

"Tch! Stop being dramatic, you only ran one lap," Jiang Cheng gave him a light kick.

Wei Ying, "Where's Jie? I thought I saw her a while ago."

Huaisang, "Probably with Wen Qing, I'm beginning to suspect those two."

"Shut up Huaisang," Jiang Cheng kicked again.

Wei Ying, "Hold on, here comes Wen Ning... Yo Cinnamon, where did your sister take my Yanli?"

"To get some juice, why?" Wen Ning bounced toward them.

Wei Ying took a long look at his friend, "Nothing... Wen Ning, you should wear shorts more often. Those omegas over there have been drooling at your junk since we began. Aish, you could have been such a playboy were it not for that uptight grandma you call sister."

"Ou, let him take off his top for fun, let's see if that gets a reaction," Huaisang suggested from below.

"Hehe! Thats sick Huaisang... Now you, do it," Wei Ying perched his hands on his waist, a devious smirk cutting across his face. Wen Ning didn't seem to be up for it so Jiang Cheng sprayed him with a bottle of water. "Take it off if you don't want the next splash on your crotch area," he threatened.

And so Wen Ning fell to the peer pressure. The omegas spying in groups got flustered immediately that top came off, exposing a damp singlet. "Take that off too," Wei Ying pushed. Seconds after that order was carried out, they saw some of the spies cover their noses with towels and handkerchiefs.

"I can't believe they got nosebleeds," Jiang Cheng bowled over.

"Wow, Wen Ning, I like you better like this," Wei Ying was proud of his low-key favourite.

"Wait I can't see anything, help me up," Huaisang swung his limbs like a turtle on its back. "Here allow me," Wen Ning goes over and pulls him up. Dizzy from fatigue, the clumsy omega loses balance. Wen Ning caught him.

"Oh look, some of them just ran, hahaha," the lotuses were having a field day teasing others and failed to see the commotion happening behind them.

"Can you stand on your own?" Wen Ning's voice was ever so kind. "Yeah, I'm..." Huaisang choked when he too got a view of his friend. The dizziness suddenly set in again and Wen Ning had to catch him a second time.

"Maybe you should lie down," He did not wish to let go but Huaisang strangely declined the help. That rarely happens.

The Jiang siblings had had their fun and geared toward their friends. But Wei Ying suddenly gasped at first glance. "Huaisang, your nose. It's bleeding," he points.

"What? That's...haha," Huaisang stutters with a blank mind. "Are you sure you're okay," Wen Ning touches his hand and he goes completely red on the face. Huaisang slammed both palms on his nose when the blood gushed out like a fountain. "Yes, I'm fine! Just give me some space, geez!" Huaisang stormed off, embarrassed. Wei Ying chased after him, pretty worried and confused.

"Did you do anything to him?"Jiang Cheng took to questioning Wen Ning sternly. The poor alpha shook his head, swearing on his sister's life. "Alright, fine! Put on a shirt, this is not the place to be gouging out people's eyes."

Wen Ning, "But you said..."

"Do you not see vulnerable unlaid, unmarked omegas around here? Do as I say and cover up!" Jiang Cheng swung his towel at Ning and jogged along to find the others.

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