Chapter 4: From Frying Pan To Fire

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The following day...

The Jiangs and the Lans were seated in one of the conference rooms at the Cloud Recesses. Qingheng-Jun and Madam Lan exchanged glances as they noted the huge frown on Madam Yu's face. Aside from that, the Jiang Siblings looked like they were in mourning, sitting across the two Jades and the Clan Leader's younger brother, Lan Qiren.

Madam Yu, "Well, is anyone going to say something, or do I have to start a war?" Fengmian and his children were not surprised to hear that. Qingheng-Jun cleared his throat and gave the angry woman a soft smile. "There's no need for tension to rise... We've seen the video and my son will take full responsibility for what he did."

"We're not here for any settlement! Lan Wangji tried to mark my son in an open place full of people and cameras! You have no experience of the struggles of being the mother of three innocent angels who easily attract predators," Madam Yu had a whole essay planned in her head and was determined to finish her speech. "Have you any idea how this bad publicity could affect their chances of getting nobble suitors?" 

Qinghenjun, "Madam Yu, we..."

"I won't listen to what you have to say, Lan Lihua, I only came here to tell you and your snobby husband that we're taking this to court. No one harrases my son and goes scot-free...not even your son," Yu Ziyuan did not hide her claws. And from the look of things, her husband sided with her. Done, she folded her arms, sitting stiff and intensely upright. 

Madam Lan, "Sect Leader Jiang, Madam Jiang, we are aware that our sons have wronged you. You are right, no mother should sit for it...but here lies the case where taking it to court could further mar the image of our cubs. You have been blessed with three of the most breathtaking omegas amongst the great clans and this accident aside, Qinghenjun has been meaning to knock at your door with a proposal."

"What are you saying, what proposal?" Madam Yu edged her eyes and adjusted herself in the chair so she could listen comfortably. 

Qinghenjun, "Purple Spider, it's quite unfortunate that the incident took place before..."

Madam Yu waved her hand in the man's face, commanding his speech to cease, "Yeah, yeah, yeah we know what happened, skip that part. Your wife is saying something, let her finish."

Madam Lan, "Yu Ziyuan, it's the father's duty to relay such important news."

Madam Yu, "Out with it Lady! I dont have time for customs and blind tradition!"

"Very well," Madam Lan glanced at her mate for the approval to speak, "It would be an honour for Gusu Lan to ask for the hand of your children in marriage."

"What!" The three lotuses exclaimed. They shushed down after realizing they had interrupted the Seniors. 

Madam Yu smirked, "It seems you do not get me, Madam Lan. Why in hell's name would I let my sons get engaged to your jades after what they did?"

Jiang Fengmian, "Madam Yu, it is a normal phenomenon for children to fight and make mistakes. Let's not judge when we were not there to witness how it all happened."

Madam Yu, "Fengmian, are you defending the jades now?"

"That is not what I'm doing dear. I'm asking you not to forget that our children were also at fault for what happened," Fengmian stressed.

"Hmph!" the woman rolled her eyes.

Jiang Fengmian, "Clan Leader Lan, there is no need to make marriage proposals because of this. If we explain it to the tabloids, we can clear all doubts."

Madam Yu, "Fengmian, you speak like you dont know the kind of world we live in. Those rating hungry tabloids you speak of will only twist our words and make it worse."

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