18. Fire Breathers

Start from the beginning

“I miss mom” she sniffed.

I picked her and placed her on my lap, “Do you want to eat something?”

She nodded her head.

“Apple pie?”

She nodded again.

“Do you want something to eat too?” I lifted my gaze and met Blaise already staring, his phone sitting in his hands.

“No, thank you”

“Let’s get you some people pie shall we?” I stood up with GG in my arms and went into the kitchen to get her a slice of apple pie.
Placing GG on the kitchen island, I opened the refrigerator and removed the cake baked for dessert last night but ended up untouched. I cut a slice and placed it on a small plate. I placed a fork on it and gave it to GG.
I returned the cake to the refrigerator and poured a glass of orange juice for her.

The doorbell rang and I went to get it. “wait for me will you?” I said to GG and she nodded.
I left her with her cake and juice in the sitting room before going for the door.

As soon as I opened the door Justin stormed in, a familiar guy calmly walking in. I barely paid attention to guy and turned to Justin who was scanning his surroundings with his eyes.

“Where is he?” Justin demanded.

I creased my brows in confusion. “What do you mean? Who are you talking about?”

“Are you hiding him? You won't once you know all he's doing behind your back”

“Can you tell me what's going on?” I snapped at him, irritated by his outburst.

Blaise stepped into the lounge and Justin rushed towards him.

“Justin!” I stared at him wide eyed. He paused his actions but refused to stare at me.

“Get out!” he growled at Blaise.

“What?” words cannot describe how shocked I was.

“And if I don't?” Blaise cocked a brow at him.

He tried to punch Blaise in the face but his friend quickly rushed in and grabbed his arm.

Blaise stared at Justin, he went back to get his books and left without a word. Just like that, he was gone.

“What did you do that for?” I all but screamed at Justin.

“For your own good” he replied as if annoyed that I didn't get the obvious reason.

“Eli?” GG blinked severally at the guy standing next to Justin. She rubbed her eyes and stared some more, trying to be sure he wasn't a figment of her imagination.

I completely forgot she was here. We must have startled her but she didn't seem the least bothered, her eyes we fixated on this Eli guy.

“GG” he pinched his brows and sighed.
Looking at him I realized he was the rude guy from the Kings’ house the other day, the one always glaring at me for no reason.
“How’s my little princess doing?” he smiled down at her. He walked up to her and picked her up.

“Have you met Wees?”

“Rhys” I corrected with a roll of my eyes.
She continued chatting with him when I turned to Justin.

“Sophie’s brother, Elijah and my good friend too” Justin said.

“Justin, can you just tell me what this is all about?” I said tiredly and folded my arms in front of me.

“No” he stated, “Just avoid Blaise as much as you can, he's bad news”

“How am I supposed to just avoid him for no reason?” I questioned.

Elijah snorted from behind me and I turned to him, “No reason? I feel sorry for your ignorance”

Very rude.
Like, what the heck?

Justin stared between us, “I forgot what it could be like if two fire breathers were in one room. We should get going Elijah, Davis can't take care of things by himself” he sighed.

Elijah gave him a dirty look and shoved GG into my arms before walking out.

“Take care” Justin said and quickly kissed my forehead then GG's before rushing out.

What the hell?
I still couldn't wrap my head around the whole situation.
What the hell just happened?


You may be confused by the whole 'fire breather' stuff in this chapter.

I got the idea from a cartoon I watched a long time ago; Fire Breather.
It's a cartoon about a boy who breathes fire especially when he's angry.

You may have noticed that Rhys has quite a temper. If you've not noticed just sit back and relax, you're going to be seeing a whole lot of Rhys Davidson.

Elijah on the other hand isn't much different. He's blunt, rude and every synonym to the words I've already mentioned.

These two tend to be very unreasonable when they're angry, so Justin was comparing the weight of their words to fire.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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