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"We were able to work part-time thanks to you, so this is on me." Jugyeong said, giving a grateful smile.

Yeona nodded, "We're splitting it, so eat 'till your heart's content."

In order to thank Han Seojun, the girls had dragged him to a tteokbokki shop that had been near the mall where they had modelled and job hunted. Seojun had let them know that place where they did the shoot wasn't their normal studio, but instead one they had rented while theirs was getting a remodel.

"Why do you guys want part-time jobs?" The boy sitting in front of them asked curiously, tilting his head in curiosity.

"So I can go to a makeup academy." Jugyeong replied, sighing.

"Makeup academy?"

"Yeah, I was thinking about what to write on the desired careers form so I thought about what makes me the most happy... It's when I'm doing makeup. When I put makeup on Gowoon that day... It made my heart race. I was so happy." Jugyeong explained, a content smile forming on her face.

"You did turn her into a whole different person," He replied, nodding, "It fits."

Han Seojun's gaze trailed over to Yeona, "What about you, what's the sudden need for money?"

Yeona didn't want to bring the mood down by getting into her family problems so instead she shrugged, "I don't know. Tired of freeloading off of Suho. Plus financial independence."

Seojun narrowed his eyes, "You want a part-time job for... fun?"

Yeona shrugged again, "Sure." She replied, nodding.

The server arrived with their food and set all the dishes down, making sure everyone their own side dishes. They had ordered a large bowl of tteokbokki to split but based on Jugyeong's reaction, it was evident that they would probably have to order another one.

There was a beat of silence while they ate, enjoying the food... that was until Jugyeong looked at Han Seojun with a frown, "You've had lots of girlfriends, right?" Yeona almost choked on her food as she processed the question, pursing her lips as she looked between the two.

Seojun looked almost hopeful at her inquiry and that's when Yeona realized that he was probably hoping for a confession, "Why do you ask?"

Jugyeong perked up a little as she answered, "Have you changed their name on your phone? Do guys not care about things like that?"

Yeona held a hand to her mouth to conceal her giggles as she knew why Jugyeong was asking such a thing.

Han Seojun almost seemed offended, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms, "We do care. When I get a girlfriend, I save them as something sweet. Like 'my love' or 'my baby'... something along the lines of that." He answered confidently, "Oh, with hearts too."

Yeona let out a giggle that she had been concealing, giving Seojun an apologetic look, "Sorry, that's too funny."

"What's too funny?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

"I never pictured you to be the cheesy type." She replied, raising a brow at him.

"Yeah well..." He pouted, glancing the other way as if he was uncomfortable.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of-" Her phone chimed, notifying her of a message as well as cutting her off, "Nothing to be ashamed of, it's kind of adorable."

Jugyeong nodded, "I'd rather you be cheesy than a complete ass."

Yeona's eyes widened at the use of cuss words, something Jugyeong didn't use often, "I'd have to agree."

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈 - han seojunWhere stories live. Discover now