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"Our tutor makes it easy to understand." Soojin said, comfortingly patting Jugyeong's shoulder.

The group, consisting of Soojin, Jugyeong, Sooah, Taehoon, and Yeona, were all on their way to their study session,

"Will I finally stop being a loser when it comes to math?" Jugyeong asked, a pout on her face, her head held down in shame.

"You can do it, you know." Soojin replied immediately, "So don't give up. None of us should." She glanced around the group with expectant eyes, a satisfied look crossing her face when the others nodded.

Jugyeong giggled, "Alright, got it."

"We're here!" Yeona exclaimed as the group walked up to a teal coloured building.

"Ah, Soojin, can my friend from Shinhwa High School for boys join us too?" Sooah asked, giving her a hopeful look, her phone clutched in her hands.

"Aish, Shinhwa High for boys? Who is this friend?" Taehoon asked, jealousy dripping in his tone, "Yah, a trillion question-marks are floating through my brain right now!" Sooah slapped his arm, an annoyed look crossing her face.

Soojin looked amused at Taehoon's outburst before sobering up, "Why let a complete stranger join our study group?" She asked, Yeona also giving Sooah a curious look.

"Duh, isn't it obvious? For Jugyeong to flirt with!" Taehoon seemed to visibly relax, Jugyeong instead collecting his negative energy as she tensed up, looking uneasy, "Dating is a must!" Sooah cheered in a sing-song voice, "Marriage is optional! Amor fati!" She danced playfully as she walked into the building, Taehoon hot on her heels.

Yeona looked at Jugyeong, "Just tell her no."

"But I'll feel bad." Jugyeong mumbled in defeat.

"Then I'll say no." Soojin replied, shaking her head, "We don't need any extras joining that would just distract us anyways."

Yeona nodded in agreement, "Let's go." The three girls entered as well, almost trampling Sooah and Taehoon who were frozen in the doorway.

The three girls looked at the table, "Lee Suho? I thought you said you weren't interested...?" Soojin trailed off but was seemingly satisfied with the arrangement.

"I never said I wouldn't join though." Suho quipped back, gaze blank.

All of them stared at him in silence before Yeona shrugged, "Alright, cool." She moved over and sat across from Suho, leaving the seat next to him open for Jugyeong.

It was a little while later when Suho started scolding Jugyeong, who had indeed sat next to Suho, "How do you not know the basics?" He grilled, seeming unimpressed, pulling out one of his notebooks and opening it to a notes page. He started explaining it to her in full detail but she didn't seem to be paying any attention, staring at Suho's face as if trying to figure him out.

Yeona kicked her leg lightly when Suho had stopped talking and looked up slowly to see why Jugyeong wasn't responding. Jugyeong jumped, glaring at Yeona before turning her gaze to Suho with an uneasy laugh, "Could you explain that again? I lost focus..."

He stared at her before letting out a huff, repeating everything that he had just explained. He let out another huff when he realised that she was still staring at him, "What?"

Jugyeong pursed her lips together, "How can you manage to fit all of that into that small head of yours?" She lit up, "How smart are you? Do you have an IQ higher than 150?"

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