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"Have you noticed Im Jugyeong being weird at school?"

It was roughly a week after the school trip and on her Saturday afternoon, Yeona was currently on her way to Prince's Comics to relax.

"Yeah, a little," Yeona responded, adjusting the phone to her ear so she could hear the call better, "It's pretty funny watching her though."

Suho had called her a good five minutes after she had left his apartment asking her about how he should go about his date. She reassured him that he should just be himself and reminded him of the fact that Jugyeong fell for him even though he had been a complete ass at times and that he had nothing to worry about.

Suho was not amused but Yeona sure was.

But now their conversation had changed direction, he's been trying to see if Jugyeong's latest behavior has been as noticeable to everyone around them as it was to them, which it was.

"She just doesn't want to become a target to the kids at school," Yeona explained, "You know how it was for her at Yongpa... She's afraid that those events will get repeated."

"Yeah, I know..." He sighed, "I'd like to be able to talk to her at school without her running away though."

Yeona snorted, "I can talk to her about it. She has been acting abnormally weird and I need her to tone it down 'cause some people are observing a little too hard..." Her mind shifted to Kang Soojin who - anytime that Suho and Jugyeong were within the same two feet of each other - had her eyes glued to them.

"Yeah, Han Seojun for one. I'm about to stick my fingers in his eye sockets," Suho huffed as he shuffled his phone around, the noises making Yeona adjust the phone so it didn't deafen her, "Maybe then he can keep his eyes to himself."

Yeona sighed, "One day... One day you guys will be friends again."

"One day in our next lives, maybe." He grumbled, moving around again.

"What are you doing? It sounds like you're crumpling a piece of paper right next to the speaker - do you want me to go deaf?" Yeona asked, wincing as the phone moved again.

"Maybe I do," He replied in a joking manner, "I was putting on my shoes so I had you on speaker in my jacket pocket."

"Okay well next time just throw me into a blender and have at it, I think it would hurt my ears less." She sarcastically replied, laughing at the sound of Suho's scoff.

"I'm hanging up. You're too annoying." Suho muttered, the sound of the apartment door beeping as it locked, filling her ears.

"Good luck on the date! Have fun on that hour bus ride!" Yeona said in a singsong voice, "I made it to Prince's so I'll talk to you when I get home."

"Mhm." He replied and Yeona tsked, hanging up the call.

Just before she crossed the street to make it to Prince's, she heard her name being called. She froze for a moment and wondered if she should turn around or make a run for it - her fight or flight making an appearance. She didn't immediately recognize the voice as Sungyong's and the tone didn't initially sound like a threat so with that in mind, she took in a deep breath and turned around just as the person who had called her name made it to her. Relief flooded through her body as she smiled at the person standing in front of her, "Ahn Yeonghwa!"

"Kim Yeona!" He cheered just as happily, "I haven't seen you in a while!"

"It's been a while. How are you?" She asked, tucking her hands into the pockets of her jacket.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈 - han seojunDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora