17. Dwarves & Bastards

Start from the beginning

"We did. Coming back from the dead is fun." Hayley teased.

"There you are." Jon declared kneeling before Ghost. Tyrion looked at him and the wolf and deduced.

"A very quiet wolf," Tyrion observed.

"He's not like the others," Jon said. "He never makes a sound. That's why I named him Ghost. That, and because he's white. The others are all dark, grey or black." Jon looked to Hayley. "Did Lady Hayley give you a treat?" Ghost dropped the remains at Jons feet. Hayley laughed out.

"Looked like he was going to rip Sandors hand off when Sandor tried to pet him inside. You are Ghost's alpha Jon." Hayley declared and Jon felt a wash of pride. Tyrion reached out to pet him, he drew back and bared his fangs in a silent snarl.

"Shy, isn't he?" Tyrion observed taking a hesitant step back. Ghost moved in front of Hayley and Jon chuckled.

"I think you might still be Alpha." Jon offered and Tyrion stared back at Hayley as the wolf stood protectively in front of her.

"It's good that you know that now." Hayley teased.

"Sit, Ghost," Jon commanded. "That's it. Keep still." He looked up at Tyrion. "You can touch him now. He won't move until I tell him to. I've been training him.... but that being said he listens to Lady Hayl-"

"Just Hayley, Jon. Dont make me sound all fancy." Hayley begged. Jon looked her over and she was stunning.

 Jon looked her over and she was stunning

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"I see," Tyrion agreed. He ruffled the snow-white fur between Ghost's ears and said, "Nice wolf."

"If I wasn't here, he'd tear out your throat," Jon said. It wasn't actually true yet, but it would be. Jon knew it one day they would be bonded like that.

"In that case, you had best stay close," Tyrion agreed.

"Lets take a walk and have Tyrion fend for himself." Hayley mused.

"Mommy dearest, you wound me." Tyrion remarked putting a hand to his chest.

"You want me to kiss it better? Because I wont." Hayley assured with a cheeky frozen grin. Tyrion nodded a chuckle on his lips.

"You're Ned Stark's bastard, aren't you?" Jon felt a coldness pass right through him. He pressed his lips together and said nothing. "Did I offend you?" Tyrion questioned. Jon turned away annoyed, that was not what defined him. Ghost proudly held his remaining chicken for Jon to see.

"Sorry. Dwarfs don't have to be tactful. Generations of capering fools in motley have won me the right to dress badly and say any damn thing that comes into my head." Tyrion grinned back at them. "You are the bastard, though."

"Lord Eddard Stark is my father," Jon admitted stiffly. Tyrion seemed to study his face as Hayley had done.

"Yes, and lady stark is not your mother, making you the bastard." Tyrion said. "I can see it. You have more of the north in you than your brothers."

"Half brothers," Jon corrected. He was pleased by the dwarf's comment, but he tried not to let it show.

"I think the word you are looking for it Jon is more handsome." Hayley added with a wink and Jon blushed.

"Let me give you some counsel, bastard," Tyrion declared and Hayley hated how that word was thrown around to hurt Jon. "Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you." Jon was in no mood for anyone's counsel.

"What do you know about being a bastard?" Jon countered.

"All dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes." Tyrion corrected.

"I would love to meet your father." Hayley offered.

"No you wouldnt." Tyrion corrected.

"You are your mother's trueborn son of Lannister." Jon reminded him.

"Am I?" Tyrion replied, Hayley saw a sadness in his gaze. "Do tell my lord father. My mother died birthing me, and he's never been sure."

"I don't even know who my mother was," Jon remarked.

"Some woman, no doubt. Most of them are." Tyrion agreed and Hayley chuckled and Tyrion shot her a grin. "I knew you liked me." Hayley shrugged. "Remember this, boy. All dwarfs may be bastards, yet not all bastards need be dwarfs." When Tyrion opened the door, the light from within threw his shadow clear across the yard, and for just a moment Tyrion Lannister stood tall as a king.

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now