A Hero is born pt.3

Start from the beginning

"Alright, let's get moving. But I'm telling you, old friend, if things get hairy, I've changed, I don't go around picking fights no more" Sandy said as Pigsy rolled his eyes and sighed understanding their was no way he could change Sandy's mind and accept it. "Mo, initiate the launch sequence!" Sandy commanded as Mo jumped off Sandy's shoulder. "Launch sequence?" Yue and the girls said in unison. Mo pressed a button which started up Sandy's boat. "Onwards to flower fruit mountain!" Sandy shouted as he takes the wheel with Mo on his shoulder, and then the boat goes off into the distance, "Whoooo! Yeah!" Yue and the kids along with Stitch shouted as they headed towards flower fruit mountain. Unknown to them, a pair of binoculars was looking at the ship.

Then the binoculars are put down, only to reveal another bull clones with a cape wrapped around its body, then the bull clone started walking away to find Red son. When the bull clone found Red-son who was standing at the ledge of a building. The bull clone bows and clears his throat. "What?! You let them get away?!" Red-son angrily spoke as his hair set fire.  "Aww, so your plan didn't go according to plan, huh?" They both heard princess iron fan as they turned to see her come in a wind tornado. "Oh, don't worry my sweet, useless boy. Mother will get the staff." She then softly landed in front of Red-son as she used her winds to carry red-son towards her and grabs red son's cheeks. "I'm not about to let anyone stop us, not this time." She then let's go of Red sons cheeks as he stumbled back a bit, then she turned to leave but stopped. "Oh and don't worry son, I won't kidnap your little crush, that'll be your job~ But I'd rather you not be distracted by your future bride.." with a sly grin she disappeared in a wind tornado and left off to find Yue and the group.

Red son turned red faced, his hair caught fire again and flags his arms around. "W-Wha- Mother!!" He calmed down, he placed his hand on his chest were his heart was beating in worry. Worried what his mother will do to the noodle girl, 'noodle girl, if you're out there...............please be careful.' He quietly whispered. He'd really hope his mother wouldn't do anything to hurt her.

Meanwhile on Sandy's ship, Yue was sitting on the flower, polishing the staff and remembering what Red son had said to her when they first met earlier before leaving the island. 'Why did Red-son called me beautiful?... I'm nothing special other then cooking, baking, learning how to fight and singing... I mean there are other girls who are more beautiful than me even female demons, I'm just a normal girl who is nothing but a delivery girl nothing more nothing less.' She thought to herself then she heard her phone ring and saw her best childhood friends number that says Mei.
"It feels so right
I'm where I belong
'Cause I found my place
I found my place-

Yue quickly answered her phone, to reveal that Mei was calling with a look of worry in her eyes. "Yue! Thank goodness you're ok! I saw the news on my phone when I just finished the race in the mainland in China! I tried to call you if you're ok but you didn't answered my calls!" Mei cried worrying for her best friends safety, "Don't worry Mei me and the juniors are alright along with the kids and Stitch including my uncles we were lucky to escape." Yue shrugged, smiling down at her childhood friend on face mode.

~A bit earlier~

Hiro had a stick in his hands pretending to be the monkey king since they can't use the real staff because it's to heavy for them and only Yue is able to wield it so Hiro used it instead while Mira and Chad are looking out for Flower fruit mountain while Racheal and Maurice are playing poker. "Halt evil monster, I must thwart thee! For I am... the monkey ki-Ahhh!" Hiro was cut off by Yoichi using his foot to make him trip causing him to growl at him and looked at Yoichi's smug face as the chase begins causing Luna, Natsumi,Keitaro, and Hunter to sigh while Stitch was laughing at such entertainment.

~Back to Yue and Mei's conversation~

Yue told her everything that happened to Yue while Mei was on a world tour for racing but she's still doing school work online. "Damn Girl. The legends was actually real and you have the Monkey kings staff. Man your life is never gonna be normal that's for sure." Said Mei as Yue sighed, "yeah I know and the only way to stop DBK is delivering the staff to the monkey king." Yue said As she heard a beep coming from Mei's watch. "Yikes! Gotta go Yue. I'll call you soon. Don't die on me ok?" Yue nodded, turned her cellphone off, and sighed as a unique butterfly landed next to her hand. "Well hello there. It's not everyday that you see a beautiful butterfly like yourself to flutter around the open sea." She said to the butterfly with a gentle smile.

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