I moved a little ahead of her and jumped down the tree. I then laid down next to a tree and waited for her to come. A few seconds later Hinata came near me, I noticed her eyes looking at me, from the look on her face I can tell she remembers who I am.

"K-Kiyotaka-Kun." Hinata said in a voice filled with pain.

"Hinata, are you ok?" I asked, clearly she was not but I asked anyway to show I cared that she was sad, which in reality I couldn't care less why she was sad. I simply wanted to help her feel better. From what I noticed she seems to be a very high ranking member of the Hygua clan and that kind of political power will come in handy in the future.

"I-I'm f-f-fine." She said, wiping away her tears. I got up from the tree I was laying on and walked towards her.

"Hinata please don't lie to me. You're sad there's no need to pretend. I know we only talked once before but I rather enjoyed the short time we spent together. Please tell me what's wrong. I'll help you like I did last time." I told her as I got a few feet away from her. She looked at me without doing anything for a few seconds before her body started shaking, she fell to her knees breathing heavily as tears came down her face.

"M-my mom she.... She died." As Hinata finished her sentence she started to break down. She clutched onto her chest, as if it was in pain and began to cry. I walked up to her and lowered myself to her level. I grabbed onto the back of her head gently and placed it against my chest.

"I'm sorry for your loss. I know it must hurt a lot. I never grew up with a mom or dad so I don't know how much that must hurt but let it all out. Everyone has to die one day, if there is an afterlife you will meet your mom. So for now let it all out, cry until you can't anymore. If you hold it in and try to act fine you'll only make the pain last longer. So let it all out now, that way you can feel better sooner. And once you're better you can do your best to live a fulfilling and happy life so that when you see your mom again you will have plenty of stories to tell her. So for now let it all out, I'm here for you, I won't leave your side till you feel better." I told her. I felt Hinata's arms wrap around me as she let out a loud cry of pain.

Around an hour passed before she finally stopped crying. However as I looked down I couldn't help but be a little surprised. It seems like she cried herself to sleep. I gently picked her up and began to move to a nearby river. This river had a lot of fish that passed though it and I was getting a bit hungry so it was best I went to go catch some fish.

As I was nearing the river I heard a loud childish yell of frustration. I landed on a tree just a little outside the river and saw familiar spiky blonde hair. It was Naruto, I saw in his hands what seemed like a homemade fishing pole. It seems he came here to fish as well. I suppose I don't mind helping him.

As I landed on the ground I walked towards Naruto. I had Hinata in my arms. It seemed like Naruto heard my footsteps because he turned around to face me. He looked at me and then at Hinata and tinted his head.

"Hey don't I know you?" He asked.

"Yeah, we met a few months back, we saved Hinata here from some bullies." I said. He looked at me for a few more seconds before his eyes led up.

"Oh Yeah! Your name is Kiyotaka!" He yelled out.

"Yeah that's right, try not to be so loud ok, Hinata here is a little exhausted." I told him. Naruto looked at me and gave me a nervous smile while rubbing the back of his head with his right hand.

"Oh yeah, my bad." He said.

"It's fine, so I noticed you're trying to fish." I said.

"Yeah, but these fishes keep getting away from me." Naruto said slightly annoyed.

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