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This honestly shouldn't matter, it's not major nor is it anything significant, but here we are.

The Woods Brothers(Jeff, Sully, Liu)
Jeff: Hispanic-White
Sully: Hispanic-Albino
Liu: Hispanic-Albino

1- why does this sound racist already...it's not supposed to be I promise!!!
2- Albino just means that they're really pale it's like when you get zero sunlight that's what Liu and Sully has
3- *sigh* oh Jeff, you wish you could be as pale as your brothers...no no no, they were born that way...sucker
4-Their mother was Hispanic and their father---yk(I feel like I'm more comfortable saying Hispanic since I'm partly it---eh-)

Ok so I was writing this and I started writing down everyone's race and then I said:

Why am I doing this if the only people I changed were the Woods Brothers, like, are you an idiot Val????

Soo yeah just Jeff, Sully, and Liu have changed everyone else is normal....

Creepypasta Head cannons 2 (AUTHOR'S AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat