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Rhaena Targaryen, the wife of Aegon the Uncrowned, who was usurped by his uncle Maegor Targaryen, faced a tragic fate. Aegon, determined to reclaim his throne, hesitated in his strategy during the Battle Beneath the Gods Eye, leading to his demise at the claws of Maegor's dragon, Balerion.

Faced with the need to protect her daughters from Maegor, Rhaena reluctantly agreed to marry him, becoming one of his Black Brides. On their wedding night, she attempted to resist and harm Maegor, but her efforts were in vain, and the marriage was consummated against her will. Unbeknownst to others, Rhaena discovered she was pregnant with Maegor's child.

Realizing the danger her child faced, Rhaena confided in Jaehaerys and Alyssanne, and together, they decided to keep the pregnancy a secret until the realm was stabilized. When Rhaena gave birth in secret during 49 AC, only Jaehaerys, Alyssanne, and a trusted midwife named Lady Beth were present.

Lady Beth, a close friend of Rhaena, took the newborn daughter and fled to Essos with enough resources to provide her a stable life until the time when Rhaena could reclaim her daughter from the tumultuous world shaped by Maegor's actions.

Alysanne chose a dragon egg for the babe and discreetly placed it inside the midwife's belongings to ensure no one would notice. Rhaena silently cried as she watched Lady Beth depart with her newborn child, whom she named Valaerie.

Lady Beth settled in a small cabin outside Pentos, large enough for two people and secluded from civilization to protect the babe with her life. Despite being away from the limelight, Lady Beth, with her proper education, imparted knowledge to Valaerie about her heritage. By the age of four, the little princess already possessed the ability to read and write. She also named her black dragon Mystical.

Valaerie blossomed into a beautiful and loving child, her eyes shining brightly in the dark. Rhaena shared the news of Valaerie's existence with her twins, Aerea and Rhaella. The twins began sending letters to Valaerie when she turned four, and to their surprise, the child managed to respond in her own handwriting.

In one letter, Aerea noted that Valaerie spoke like an adult. Rhaella, training to become a septa, made a solemn promise not to disclose the existence of her younger sister. Despite physical distance, the sisters maintained communication through their letters.

Aerea harbored a strong desire to visit Valaerie in Essos, but Rhaena forbade her, straining their relationship. Alysanne, mindful of Valaerie's safety, made occasional visits. In Alysanne's eyes, Valaerie's electric violet eyes were among the most stunning she had ever seen. Lady Beth observed how Valaerie's dragon, Mystical, thrived and grew larger than ordinary dragons, free and wild in Essos rather than confined to a dragon pit.

Valaerie didn't consciously discover how to bond with her dragon; it simply came naturally to her. By the age of five, she effortlessly managed to ride her horse-sized dragon. Unbeknownst to the world, she became the youngest dragon rider, a secret guarded only by her family. In her small room, Valaerie cherished every letter, keeping them in a small box.

Under Lady Beth's guidance, Valaerie learned about Valyria, her origins. One day, news reached them that Aerea Targaryen had mounted Balerion the Black Dread and had been missing for months. Valaerie sensed that something was amiss, as her sister had stopped sending letters, something she never forgot to do.

Valaerie expected Aerea to be in Kingslanding or heading to Essos for a visit, but as days passed, she grew increasingly uneasy. Convinced that her sister was in danger, Valaerie, at the age of five, left a note on her desk one night, declaring her intention to search for Aerea. The child mounted her dragon and embarked on a quest.

Driven by an inexplicable force, Valaerie headed toward the ruins of Valyria, where she found her sister with Balerion, locked in a battle against a menacing creature that threatened to unleash havoc upon the world.

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