Part 79: Caitlyn (7 Years Ago)

Start from the beginning

"The city will fund our research and development for the next five years, longer if they're impressed after that." Jayce opens his briefcase on the counter, revealing his glimmering blue crystals. "Councilor Medarda persuaded the rest. They'll hold the vote tomorrow, when your mom is there, but it's already a given."

"Mum will be astounded. I know she'll vote for you. They'll have to take back what they said the other evening!"

He laughs. "I don't know about that. This might make me even more of a misfit."

"Well, there are two of you now." I point at Viktor, who waves absently from the table across the room, where he's already become fully immersed in a sheet of notes.

"Three of us," says Jayce, pulling my hat off. I swat his hand and snatch the hat from the air when he lets it go.

"I want to do something," I say. "But it will make Mum and Dad even angrier than your Hextech did. Perhaps you can try to take some of the spotlight from me."
"What do you want to do?"

I hop onto the counter and try to stuff my hair back into my hat. "Did you hear what happened with the thieves? And Grayson?"

He hops up next to me, sobering. "Of course."

"It's not fair— first they come here to steal from you when you haven't done a thing to them, and then they almost kill you, and then they do kill her. She wouldn't have hurt them. I know the enforcers get too rough sometimes, but Grayson wouldn't. She was only doing her job. Those people can't expect to commit a crime like that without seeing consequences!"

"I'm pretty sure they got what they gave in the end. No one could've survived that explosion."

"Yes, but that's no way to proceed. We can't let trenchers continue to hurt us and then just hope they're hurt in return. That's a cruel and primitive method of justice, and this is the City of Progress. They're our citizens. If we treat them with decency, and they learn to follow the laws, everyone in Piltover can get along."

"So you want to help fix our relationship with the Undercity? Why would your parents have a problem with that? It's a good idea."

"They won't like my methodology. My occupation, that is." I reach for the briefcase. Jayce slams it shut, wide-eyed, then laughs nervously and reopens it.

"Be careful," he says, placing a crystal on my palm. "If we blow this place up, we'll have to go back to working next to the giant hole in my wall. What occupation are you going for? A councilor?"

"Goodness, no."

"Some sort of ambassador?"

"No. Well, perhaps in a way." Why is it so hard to be direct right now? It's just Jayce. "I'll spend time in the Undercity and be able to speak with people."

"But you live here. Who besides enforcers moves back and forth between—" He breaks off and gapes. "Caitlyn."

"I don't see why I shouldn't," I say defensively, rolling the crystal in my hands. "I'm more than proficient with a rifle, and I'm a skilled detective. Grayson all but told me I was meant for the job."

"You don't have to convince me, Cait. You would be great on the force, and if it's what you want, you should do it. But most members of my House would consider it beneath them, and you're a Kiramman."

"For better or worse." I sigh, then jolt as I feel a spark of electricity between my fingers. The Hextech crystal has grown warm without my noticing.

Jayce hurriedly takes it back. "Are you still trying to quit the fidgeting?"

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