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009:                Friend or Woe

A girl with white ponytalis was pushed into the middle of the crowd while the raven haired boy was held back. 

"Burn them!"

"Devil spawns!"

"Monster! Witch!"


The villagers yelled at the both of them. Finally Goody ended up at the ground, while Edward was kneeling. The villagers stepped aside, letting Josep Crackstone walk past.

"Goody Addams. Edward Murphy." He spoke," you have been judge before God and found guilty. You are witch. Lucifer mistress herself. And you-" he looked at the boy, "-you are a beast. A monster!"

"For your sins you will burn this night. Suffer the flames of eternal hellfire."

"We are innocent. It is you Josep Crackstone that should be tried," she spoke calmly, "we were here before you. Lived with in harmony with nature and the native folk." She was getting more mad.

"But you have stolen our land! You have slaughtered the innocent! You have robbed us of our peaceful spirit! You are the true monster, all of you!" Yelled Edward angirly at them. Goody sliced Crackstone cheek. And the villagers took her hands, held her so she couldn't move. 

"The Devil ne'er send such a deamon."Goody fought back and Crackstone slapped her. Edward also fought aginst his holders. But they didn't let go. "And I will sent you back."

"No!" She cried out. But the villagers just laught and dragged but of them in the wooden house. Wednesday was hiding next to the house, but the people didn't see her. Murphy she thought, that's Noa's ancestor! There was no argument to it. Her vision showed her both of thier ancestors, would that mean they need to work togther? And the warning before. . .

They were showed inside the house and Wednesday ran inside too, hiding again. Crackstone closed the door after he told them he wants to get rid of them. Goody and Edward stood up, they were the only one not chained. 

"Nikki!" The boy yelled, running towards her, trying to get rid of the chain on her wrists.

"Set it abalze!" Crackstone yelled from outiside, the outcast started to panic. 

"Mother! Mother!" Goody yelled after she noticed her mother inside, trying to undo the chain.

Her mother was talking to her, while Edward was panicing. His attempts were usless.

"No don't, Ed no. Stop." Nikki told him. She raised her hands and held his cheek, his hands imidatly shot towards hers and held it. Tears were in her eyes, threating to fall. 

"Don't waste you time. Please. . . I-I need you to get out-"

"NO! no, no, no! I'm not leaving you, my love. No." He cried. He couldn't no matter what. He just could not.

"No. Edward listen. You get out and destroy him. For me. For the children. Please." She was deprate, the love of her life couldn't die at the hands of that ungly monster.

"Edward!" Goody yelled. 

"Go. . ." Wisperd Nikki. He gave her one last kiss and stood up, his eyes glossy. He turned around and ran after Goody. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her towards the hidden door. 

"I'm not letting you burn here, we need to show him whoe's home."

He opened them and rushed her inside, and them he got there hisself, leaving everthing behind. Wednesday follwed them. There was too much smoke. She stared coughting and walked thrught it.

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