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<zansllie speaks>

My dears can you plese interact and not be ghots readers? I would love to interact with you.

Also there will be slower updates,since my school schedule is more packed up and more inportant examas are comming up.

Hope you undersand! Love you all <3

004:                                                               Woe is the lonliest number 

Noa originaly went to to normie school, whose idea? She didn't know. The only perks it had she could manipulate poeple without them suspecting her. She done few parnks like that, when her father found out about them he took her out and made her go to Nevermore Academy. Maybe her thought that going to normie school would make her like normies more, but he was wrong. 

Few pranks she could name were: making kid set his clothes on fire.

Flooding school library and ruining most of the books. 

Ruining shool toilets. 

Putting small fishes into the school pool to annoy anyone who had practice (sad part- they didn't hurt anyone)

Making boys locker room look like hell.

And many more. 

"Norah you can't keep doing that! They're normies! Completly defencless against you!" father yelled at his 13 years old daughter.

"Then why did you sent me there?" she fought back

"I'm trying to make you normal! To not end up like me!" 

"I won't end up like you! I'm not killing them! It's just little fun. You are monster! I'm human!" she yelled not regreting her words in slightest. That was when he raised his hand and whatever bond they had shatterd 

Norah woke up with cold sweat. She was gasping for air, hoping to not wake up Yoko, that nightmare wasn't there for her almost two years. Why did it come back? She look at the time it was three in the morning. She didn't fall asleep until five am.

Ms. Thornhill class was just waste of time by Noa opinion, plus she sat at the front so she couldn't sleep without being caught. And she was tired after last night journey into memories. Since Wednesday was new she sat on the only left open space- and that was next to her. She was still mad at her for the comment. How dare she assume something like that.

"Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the wrold of carnivorous plants." The usually calming but now annyoing voice of ms. Thonhill echoed at the classroom.

"Now... who can tells us the name of the beauty?" she asked the cassroom pointing at the one one flower.

Bianca and Noa raised their hand, when Bianca was about to speak up Wednesday beat her at it.

water princess ➶➶➶ wednesdayМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя