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005                           ------------>                                    the time he came here

When Joseph Crackstone came to their village, he slowly made the original residents lock in one big house made from woods. Edward was one of the oldest childer with his girlfrind Nikki. They made sure non of the kids were harmed, but it was hard when young Addams kept rebeling. Ocne they took little boy no older than six and locked him with other. Edwards black hair were tied in low ponytail and his bright green eyes filled ith anger. His tall posture went straight into Cracktone's 'meeting house'. He was furiouse that they took the child. Nikki tried to stop him. Her long blond hair let down and her brown eyes were filled with worry, she was shorter and much more beautiful then other young colonist girls. She held the Addams child back not wanting anymore trouble.

"Explain yourself!" the only free Murphy scremd at the monster infront of him.


"Explain, why did you lock the boy!?"

"You're briaded friend coused trouble, we're letting witch walk free insted of him." Joseph explain.

"You have no right talk about us like that! You ruined everthing!" the brave seventeen years old yelled. And this was common since Goody always tried to play the hero and save her people. 


Once she got in fight with one of the man there and Crackstone got mad, like really mad. He made deal with Edward, eaither Nikki goes inside or the eight kids they still protect including Goody. He spoke to Nikki about it and she insisetd on going inside, saying that the more kids they save the better. Of course then they didn't know what end awaits them. With the dessicion made her watch her being locked up in the house. He was heat broken, not having his love by his side, and seeing her prectically older brother like that Goody did everythin in her power to get Nikki out, but it resulted in having more kids locked up. One day Edward had enough, when he saw that there were only two kids and the young Addams, and gabbed Goody by her arm  taking her further form the collonists. 

"Goody, stop!" 

"Why, don't you want her back?"

"I do, but like this you lock us up and kill us!"

she looked at his dumbfouded, having never see him like this. She was worried never seeing the effect her action had on the rest of her free people. 

"I'm trying to keep you safe, but you're making it imposible." he told her sternly.

She looked at the ground ashamed. He left her with her own thoughts.

After they had thier lovly converstion, Goody stopped beinge reckless. But Crackstone became restless and continued to lock them up. Leaving only Edward and Goody  free. Edward felt the worst he ever did, he failed to save his family from the monster, he failed to save his girlfriend, the childern and he feared he won't be able to save Goody Addams.

"Why? Am I not good enough for your time?" Noa asked over the phone, having just pick it up, she was already fuious. Seeing who the caller ID was she walked onto the balcony leaving Bianca alone in her room. 

Sigh was heard from the other side followed by question, ignoring hers

"Principal Weems told me what happend. Why did you nearly injured the girl?"

"You know what? Fuck off." Not beling he cared more about some kid more that her. But why was she suprised again? Of course no one needs her side of the story. But Wednesday kept quiet at least that was good.

"You have to stop fighting normies or outcasts who goes your way. You need that therapy and friends." OF course talking about shit like that was his favorite thing.

"I won't. You know how they are." she said through gritted teeth. Water collecting at her eyes. Her slouched fell down.

"Okay, fine. I'll admit, you mother was bitch and whore. But not everyone is like that. You can't be only whith Nevermore kids. When you graduate, you'll move next to normies. And that's the end."


"I want you to find true friends, the one that loves you and care for. It doesn't matter if they're normies or not. I want you to have someone to look out for you. I want you to have someone who can give you what I couldn't." he sounded genuine, but you never know until you see into that persons head.

Her hands were shaking one had was gripping the phone so hard that her knuckles were turning white and the other held the railing. She didn't know if it was because she was sad or be cause she was angry. Her voice was little shaky and the tears were threting to spill, Bianca noticed it and went to wards her, but hand signaled her to stop. Shaky hand of her very own friend. 

"Just becuase you got bored and lazy, y-you decided to..." she couldn't sob threting to come out, her whole body shook. She fell on the ground, porobaly bruising her knees but the girl didn't care. She tugged her legs closer to her, the cold wind blowing her hair in many ways. She shut her eyes and with weak voice she countinued.

" to neglect me.  A-and what the monster did. You can't be normal for once? I'm your damn kid!" she couln't speak anymore, it was too painful, one sniff and the line was gone he hung up. Noa's weak hand fell to the ground and her phone fell out of it. And she started crying. They were quiet cries. Bianca ran towards her, wraping her hands around the girls shoulders, she buried her head in her neck, still crying. Binaca kept her close, not saying anything. She knew who called and she also knew that the girl infront of her needed confort. More that anything.

<zansllie speaks>

Bianca & Noa have the best friendship ever.

I love them both so much! 

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