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Ezekiel Pov

" We'll you should have thought about this before. You very well know I don't tolerate mistakes and whatever shit is going on in your mind if you think I don't understand then your the biggest idiot. " I shouted at an employee. Not my fault it's not like I like berating or unnecessarily insulting others but she just caused us a loss of 1 freaking million dollars. It's not a joke or a simple ass mistake. Plus I've told her thousands of times and warned her that I don't like anyone trynna be touchy with me but these people never listen.

She was pleading but it was pointless.

" Give her this month's salary and you may leave." I said to my secretary trying to keep my cool.

" Leave ? What do you mean leave ? You can't do this to me sir please...."

" You have no idea what all I can do so it's better you leave on your own and don't trigger me further. " The colour from her face disappeared.

She left hesitantly and the others followed her. I sat on my chair and a deep sigh escaped my chest. This was not who I was nor who I dreamt to be. I was a simple child. Bright, affectionate, cheery and happy just like all the other kids with a strong passion of becoming a successful doctor when I grow up.

But seems like my destiny was totally against me. I loved reading and searching about medical stuff and I clearly remember my parents buying me books and thick encyclopedias whenever they could. I had my own little library in fact with all the classics and fables and all sorts of books. All locked away now with my past. My toys, the little plastic stethoscope and scalpel that I used on my father, he would be my patient when I played and Mr. Fudge, my teddy bear. He used to be my friend back then, my mother gifted him to me on my 4th birthday and we named him Mr. Fudge because I loved the chocolate fudge my mother used to make and I would help her. Some of my memories with her.

The old me was dead now. Whoever I am today or whatever my personality is like it's totally new and not me. Who would believe that a mafia head had a teddy bear for a bestfriend or he dreamt of becoming a doctor ? No one needs to know. All of this cheered me and made me happy back then but now it just haunts me whenever I think of it.

The memory of us comfortably seated inside my dad's favourite car while returning from a highschool ptm and my mum talking about how she's gonna make a custard tart to celebrate my good grades to the huge truck coming out of nowhere and hitting our car in full speed.y dad trying to shield my mum not caring about himself while she screamed and we all collapsed with the car rolling and crashing and when it stopped, from my hazy vision I saw my dad's face covered with blood and the blood stained his favourite white shirt while his left arm stretched on my mother's chest trying to save her. Her hands clutched on his arm and blood draining out of her forehead and cuts and bruises everywhere.

Not being able to strain myself anymore I became unconscious. When I woke up I was in bandages with a sling on my left arm and I was informed to dress up for my parents funeral and my driver drove me to the cemetery to see my parents in their corpses ready to go underground and be forever beyond all care or concern or hatred of others. I remember Callahan's mother giving me a tight hug after I placed flowers on my parents graves. Lillies, they were mother's favourite. My eyes stinged but I didn't cry. I sweared that I would find that bastard who caused this and make him beg for death but I won't kill him. I'll make him suffer every second of his life. And that day I have up on all my dreams, all my likes and ambitions. I gave up on myself.

And here I am today still not able to find that bastard. No freaking clue of him but I won't stop not until I make him pay. I had turned into a robot with only one program and that was destroying this man until I met Aria. She fixed many of my malfunctions and broken parts. And I feel human again. Part of me is always afraid to loose her and why not. I have endless enemies. No one knows of her yet but once they do, which I'm not gonna let happen, they might try to hurt her to get revenge.

All these thoughts, they mess up my mind so bad that I fist the whiskey glass so hard that it bursts. Shards of glass stuck in my skin as blood begins to flow and stain my cufflinks. I'm not bothered though it helps reduce my tension and pain. Not that I've ever tried or wanted to try self-harm. My phone suddenly pings. I open it instantly thinking it might be something important after all my friends and I have been trying constantly to hunt down that piece of shit.

But it's a WhatsApp message from Aria.

I open it and it's a picture of a grumpy looking cat. And she's written * I saw him on the university garden. He reminded me of you. 😽*

My chest instantly warms and all of that tension and stress and trauma fades away. Just a simple message from her makes me feel so much better. It makes me feel alive and loved and important and wanted. And not the big bad mafia people are afraid of or who they hate. My face relaxes into a smile. I've been smiling a lot recently and I'm not complaining. I text back.

* But I'm not grumpy to you love.*

A few seconds later she replies back.

* Yeah the good and soft side is exclusively for me. 😤*

* Only yours. ❤️*


My smile turns into a grin now and I feel completely fine. And I promise myself that I'll protect her and her happiness at all costs even it costs me my life.

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