Chapter Four

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Zamora let out a defeated moan rubbing her tired eyes before washing her face with warm water. After brushing her teeth she exited her bathroom and walked to her bedroom door. Hesitation filled her body not knowing how she would face him after all that has transpired. First, he caught her trying to escape again and then secondly ended up sleeping in the same bed in his arms.

Her cheeks burned with embarrassment from the thought of how close they were. Like some type of loving couple cuddling after a long day. She wanted to smack herself for being so naive. Although it wasn't her fault she still felt that she could've been more cautious and not drunk that tea so carelessly.

I will be more careful from this point on. I can not let my guard down for a second if I ever want to escape these two. She told herself with a determined look in her soft blue eyes. She took a deep breath reaching for the door knob to open it. The muffled voices she heard from the other side caused her to stop. Placing her ear against the door she listened to their conversation while trying to make out what they were saying.

"So what happen last night?" Kisame asked with a hint of curiosity, holding back the smug look on his face.

"She attempted to escape again," Itachi answered not caring to elaborate.

"Really, so climbing into bed with her was your plan to keep her from running?" Kisame replied jokingly earning a sharp glare from the Uchiha's cold eyes.

"I'm just saying, it's strange to see you cuddle up with her. I was a little surprised at first but I always knew you had a softer side." Kisame added with a chuckle ignoring Itachi's hard stare that shot at him like deadly kunai from across the room.

"Cuddle... I don't cuddle. She wouldn't let go of my shirt so I–." Itachi paused, realizing he was about to explain himself unnecessarily. Yet he got a feeling he had already said too much.

"Well if that is true then why didn't you make her let go?" Kisame stated with a raised brow. Itachi just continued to glare at him not saying a word. He knew he was right because he thought of doing the same thing but didn't and ignored why he made such an odd decision. However, Itachi did have a reason, or more so a secret. One he kept tucked away in his mind.

It happened the day he crashed on earth... the first human he ever had contact with. He thought he had died on impact and awoke in hell from the blazing heat he felt licking at his skin. Yet when he opened his eyes pretty blue ones gazed back at him with concern. Her long shimmery pearl hair hung above his face as she leaned down to help pull him from the wreckage of the vessel he was stuck in.

Her lips were moving with a frantic expression but he couldn't make out a sound. Blood dripped from his head and ears as she pulled him with all her strength from the fire that was engulfing the shuttle he crashed in.

"Are you alright?" The girl mouthed to the boy who appeared to be in shock. He seemed dazed and in and out of consciousness at first. But it didn't last long as his adrenaline kicked in full force. The terrorizing screams of people panicking in fear in the far distance finally caught his ear. Abruptly he regained his hearing back from the trauma of the ear-numbing effect of the explosive landing.

"Stay with me, try not to fall asleep you may have a concussion. I'll go get some help." He heard the young girl's soft voice speak reassuringly. He blinked his eyes a few times as his body regained its strength. The crash would've killed any normal person but the girl just assumed it was a miracle. Naive to the fact of what she was dealing with. She gave him a sweet smile before turning her back to exit the forest where she found the boy.

With the thought in mind to get help from her home that wasn't too far away she prepared her feet to run. Yet a dark and menacing aura crawled up her spine as she froze in place. Fear gripped her chest as she slowly turned around to the boy who was now standing right behind her. His dark hair hung over his face shielding his eyes from her view. Thinking she was just overreacting she ignored the boy's strange behavior and focused on the need to get him medical attention right away.

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