7: Catching Feelings

Start from the beginning

"are you okay?" Yoongi asked softly, doesn't wanna scare the boy more.

Jungkook nodded his head looking up to Yoongi," Th-Thank you " he muttered lowly.

Yoongi nodded in affirmative manner he raised his hand pointed his forefinger to the younger's checks ," umm there".

Jungkook looked at he other in confusion he touched his face with his left hand then suddenly it clicked him ," oh" he wiped his face with his hands hurriedly, god he was such a crybaby .

Yoongi looked around a little and then glanced at his watched , it was past midnight" what are you doing here at this time? It's dangerous to roam around alone at this hour " he scolded the younger who ducked his head low , feeling ashamed to cause the trouble for the other.

"I was returning from my job, there was extra work today , that's why I was late, and i-I'm sorry for causing you trouble" he said lowly while still facing the ground, trying hard not to cry again thinking about the previous incident.

Yoongi sighed at the boy , not saying further anything he turned around and said," let's go I'll drop you at your home , cant let you alone again " he about to start walk but "wait" Jungkook grabbed his hand and made him turned towards him , he raised his eye brows at the younger but the younger didn't say anything instead he unzipped his bag and took out his handkerchief and handed it to Yoongi.

"what??" yoongi asked getting more puzzled.

" you are hurt " Jungkook said pointing at his bloody lips.

"I don't need-" "no! you should took care of your wood ! it not good to neglect suck things it can cause infections" Yoongi was awestruck by seeing Jungkook yelling at him. Like dude ! was this guy had some kind of bipolar disorder or what ?

Jungkook sighed seeing the older looking at him sternly , so he took the job into his hands he took the hanky from the older and placed it on his wounded lips , dabbing generously not putting pressure at all .

Yoongi's widened seeing the bunny boy so close to him , heck he could heard his heart beat in his ears like that much loud it was . sweat started forming on his forehead . he immediately took the hanky from the bunny boy or more likely yanked it from his hands and backed away from the boy," i-I'll do it" wtf why the hell was he shuttering, " now come its been so late , let me drop you"

Jungkook nodded his head and followed the other to his bike.


Yoongi stopped his bike near the Jungkook's apartment , he upped the face shield of his helmet and saw that the boy had already got off from his bike, removing the helmet he handed over towards him not before thanking him for saving him from the boys and also dropping him to his house , he could not even imagine what could have been happened , he got shivers .

Yoongi nodded his head and didn't say anything . by the time Jungkook figured out that yoongi doesn't talk much he only talks when its necessary, and he was not a rude or cold person at all rather he was reserved person , he does not show his emotions but that doesn't mean he was emotionless . he was a caring person and Jungkook saw that part already.

Both of them didn't say anything, and felt into a thick silence .

"You live alone here?" Yoongi asked looking at the small apartment behind the boy.

Jungkook nodded muttering a quick yes.

Yoongi nodded in understandment ," I should get going them" saying this he downed his face shield all over again starting his bike engine .

" yeah , drive safely and good night see you at college tomorrow " Jungkook said sweetly flashing his bunny smile,

there Yoongi could feel his heart was again behaving abnormally, he felt some foreign feelings in his stomach , funny it was ,he need to get out from here as soon as possible this bunny was doing something funny to him, so he left without even glancing at the boy for once.

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