When I heard it from my mom, I began to cry again, I felt relief and found someone that can comfort me.

" I am mad at you because you never trust us! why you didn't say anything last week, can you imagine what I feel when I learned this? I am
worried what if they will do this with you again and it will kill you?! Understand me?" she was very serious again.

"Yes ma, and I am very sorry"

"Next time, whatever happened to you there always inform us. Hush now, your brother and sisters are waiting for you" she said offering her hand for me to get up as I was on the floor already kneeling.

I dried my tears and took her hand, and there I
saw my family in our house, all trying to fit in a small door waiting for us.

"Do they know about it, mother?" I asked

"Not all the details only a little"

When I was near enough to them, my sisters jumped and run to greet me with a hug.

"You should've punched her back Lois, you should have destroyed her face!" my sister Beth said, she is the most outgoing among them a
little boyish in some way.

"Yes,  I agree! you should have put nail marks on her face! that bully girl if I see her maybe I will stone her" my other sister Lyn said.

"Enough girls, let's go inside. Your sister has not eaten breakfast yet" my mother cuts in. But my two sisters pulled my hands in the corner and asked again.

"Why you did not fight back?" they hissed

I tried to relax before I explain to them "Girls, remember what Pa said? if someone prosecutes you never fight back, let God do the fight for you. If someone bullies you, never do the same"

"But she hit you, Lois!" Beth said stomping her feet.

"I know, I tried to cover myself but I never fought back,"  I told her.

"She is so lucky that she attacked you instead of me!" Lyn commented.

"Girls, don't worry about it. It's over. God will do justice" I calm them down.

"How those bully people just stand there watching you being attacked and they didn't do anything to stop it"  both of them murmured. They referred to those board mates of mine. I was about to tell them that it's because they are the same, bullies! but our mother from the kitchen called us.

"Enough of that! Lois come here"

I walked to my mother in the kitchen but when I passed by my brother who was sitting on the stair of our house, I saw his angry face, I felt scared for a moment but I know deep inside me that he just care and maybe he was also angry why I did not defend myself, true to my thought because when I entered our kitchen door, I heard his voice,
"You are a fool! you almost got killed but still, you did not defend yourself!" when I looked back he was out already.

Later that day, my father came from our farm and when he saw me, cleaning our yard he looked at me with gentleness and asked "Are you okay?" when I nodded, he said "We will talk later" and by that he left to the kitchen.

That night, my family decided that I should transfer from my boarding house, away from those people. On that same night, I opened up to them about all my sufferings and their bullying of me. Including the three ladies whom my parents thought were my friends but the reality they were the reason why Josie attacked me, they were the ones feeding her gossip.

"That will be over now, your mother will go with you tomorrow to find a new place for you to stay," my father said in finality.

 I always believed that no matter what is your economic status in society, you do not have the right, and will never have, to bully others or to oppress others because, in the sight of God, we are all the same

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I always believed that no matter what is your economic status in society, you do not have the right, and will never have, to bully others or to oppress others because, in the sight of God, we are all the same.
"naked we came from our mother's womb, naked we return to the womb of the earth" (Job 1:21).

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