Chapter 3: Andro

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"So, have you decided?" We were eating dinner when my father asked.

"Yes" my brief answered

"Yes, what? Are you going to open a Facebook account?" he was looking at me frowning, for a moment I hesitated but since I did all the weighing things already so I nodded.
"Great! just great. Ari, after dinner, can you help us how to work that thing?"

"Sure, Dad!" my brother agreed. Ari is our eldest, he is very intelligent when it comes to technology, very opposite to me. He currently works at Pfizer Pharmaceutical company. He is also single but unlike me, he is very open to the possibility.


That night, I officially have a Facebook account together with my father, my brother Ari gave us some orientation on how to use its tools and even show us how to upload a photo, which I tried under his supervision. Initially, it looks very complicated but later on, I find it fun. Especially when I know how easy to connect with other people and write them, but my favorite is how fast you get updated with their lives. 

After a week of being on Facebook, I already got 100 plus friends, they are people that my parents knew from different places. Most are young people.

"Andro, I saw your friends, it's already a lot for just a week. As your father, I know I encourage you in this but please be careful" one morning my father commented at our breakfast table. " Be very strict in choosing friends even on Facebook"  Granted that I understand his point and I know he is only protecting me but sometimes he forgot that I am 33 years old.

I acknowledged his reminder with a nod and I continue eating in silence.

One day, while browsing my account I saw a name so familiar to me but I don't remember why. So I went and asked my mom about her, she is from the Philippines.

"Mom, you know this girl Lois Castro?" I approached her. She was making a cake for her client. My mom sells cakes based on personal orders.

Her face looks confused for a moment and then she said;
"Yes! I know her. Remember the young lady that I was telling you about? the one that works during the day in a Banana plantation and studies at night? she's the one"

"Be careful with her, she puts "like" everywhere. I saw her name in almost all the posts that passes my timeline. Very immature." voice of my father coming from our window. He was in the hammock next to our kitchen listening to our conversation.

"Is she the one?" I asked mom in surprise. I remember after they visited the Philippines she used to share with us the story of this girl who suffered a lot just to get a proper education. I easily get inspired hearing those stories because they always remind me how to be grateful and content with what I have.

"Yes. She is very simple, humble, and of course believer" My mom added.

Based on the things I heard from mom, I decided to send her a friend request, no matter what my father said. In my mind, I was very convinced that I was not looking for someone to court, or to have a relationship with, I was just looking for someone to share the word of God, and to have fellowship in the Lord. Maybe I will just write her once in a while depending on what opportunities God will give.
Personally, I don't like when I see a woman who is only after romantic relationships, and whose concern lay only about civil status.

"Are you going to ask her to be your friend?" mom whispered into my ear for my father not to hear it. I looked at her and chuckled when I saw her meaningful smile, even her inquiry hinted to me that something is going on in her mind.

"It's none of your business" I whispered back and pushed her playfully. She laughs and gives me a sign language of "I am watching you", which I ignored and left her alone to bake.

Being on Facebook suddenly makes me busy, now lots of young people are writing, from different parts of the Philippines, and because they knew my parents it was easier for them
to treat me as if they knew me as well, it was overwhelming and at the same time tiring, sometimes three or four of them would ask the same question a day! "do you have a girlfriend?" and most of them were single ladies. 

This common question began to irritate me. I wonder if this is part of their Filipino ethics, to always ask about civil status first. In some way, I understand because maybe this is their way of being careful, not to hurt someone, and not to cause trouble in a couple but as a believer, as a woman of God I do think that this is not necessary to be brought up in the first sharing because we are here to focus more in fellowship, not in things that link romantically.

For me, if I am engaged with someone, it should not hinder the fellowship or my life in God instead this should open more opportunities to share with more people.

"You seem so busy these days" my brother commented one day.

"Not so much, but to be honest being on Facebook suddenly makes my plate full," I said

"But, Andro you don't have to answer them all," my father said with his disapproving look.

"Exactly" my brother agreed

"I know, but I always believe that not replying or ignoring messages is disrespectful but as new in this platform and new to all of these, I agree that I need to learn more about how to handle things" my explanation to them.

"We understand you but in this platform and in this time, we need to be wise in our decision, our every move should base on what is helpful and what is not" My Dad adds which I agree with.

One thing I am very grateful for in my family is that we can talk about anything under the sun in black and white, with no sugarcoating, and as for me I always hear them and consider them in my every move.


Later that night, I was packing my things and preparing for my travel back to California. My mother visits me in my room.

" So, I really cannot keep you longer, for at least a couple of days?" she asked

"Mom, I am sorry but the classes will soon begin and I need to be there"

"I understand that," she smiles weakly.

I sat next to her and give her my tightest hug "No worries, I will try my best to be here for Christmas break" we don't celebrate Christmas but we use this holiday to have together.

"I will be praying for that"

I love my mom so much, she is one of those few people aside from my dad who did not give up on me, for being autistic, for being so sickly to the point that every week I was in the emergency room fighting for my life because of my chronic asthma and even the time of my heartbreak, they were always there supporting me silently until I was able to stand again. And seeing her sad and worried like this also breaks my heart.

"Thank you, mom"

"Keep me posted about everything, okay? including your chatmates" suddenly seems the coin flips from being sentimental to the now lively mother. Hearing these words makes me laugh so hard.

"Mother is a mother after all, I know what you have in your mind and the answer is a big NO," I said leaving her side to continue what I was doing.

"You can never tell" she answers back winking at me.

And I was left shaking my head.

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