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4:15 I burst through the doors and everyone turns around and stares at me including professor Romanoff. "You must be y/n" she says coldly I nod at her and she mumbled something in Russian that I couldn't quite hear.

"Y/n you will stay behind at the end and explain why you were late to my lesson when I made it clear not to be."

"Yes, professor sorry." I shyly say as I sat down at the only seat available in front of the professors' desk brilliant if it couldn't get any worse than being late I'm now sitting directly in front of her so she can keep an eye on me all lesson. I'm listening to her speak Russian and asking people to copy her to get the pronunciation right. Easy work if you ask me all too basic which I had already learnt a few years ago. I didn't really look at her as I ran into the doors but now sitting down, I can see how pretty she looks bright green eyes, her red curled hair hangs beautifully and she's wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath very professional looking and good looking if you ask me. Hot I think the word is.

What am I thinking I can't say that about my professor she's here to teach me and nothing else. I'm not paying attention to what's she rambling on about because I'm looking outside the window I was bored. She walks over to me and slams her book down making me jump.

"Shit why did you do that for?" I question her.  She was pissed

"first you're late and now you can't focus in my lesson y/n you need to sort it out. Also you have detention for swearing."

"Aren't we a little old to be having detention Romanoff" I bit back She smirks at me

"oh so you have an attitude problem as well do you y/n?"

Now she is getting on my nerves two can play at that game. "может быть, если бы ты не был таким скучным, я бы послушал" [maybe if you weren't so boring, I would listen]

I just laugh at the end of the sentence her mouth was wide open she was speechless she didn't know what to say back to me. Was she embarrassed or blushing I couldn't tell. "Right, everyone get back to work" as she composed herself.

Professor Romanoff's pov:

What just happened in my 3 years of teaching Russian I have never had a student on the first day be so confident in the language and get the pronunciation right. I'm not sure what to say back I couldn't say anything back. Y/n caught we well off guard. I'm still angry with her but got to give her credit she knows some Russian unlike the other people here they are mostly horny boys looking at me wanting a piece of me.

Such a shame for them to realise I'm a lesbian. Half of them will drop out before the end of the first term when they realise they won't be able to do the subject or have a chance with me. Y/n is a strange one looking at her now copying down notes she looks intelligent but lost not wanting to be here. She doesn't take any rubbish from anyone I like the fierceness in her she definitely has an attitude problem plus she looks cute when she got flustered at the start of my lesson.

Y/n's pov:

I've caught the professor staring at me twice now I get it you want to make sure I'm doing the work but the second time I caught her she turned her head as if I didn't catch her or she was trying not to stare at me. I finish copying the notes on the board just normal phrases like hello and how are you the basics. Which I already knew so it wasn't difficult for me so I sat there. There was only 10 minutes left of the lesson and she called for everyone's attention to the front.

"As you all might know the language department have a trip for the French and Russian students to Paris for a week during term." This got everyone excited including me. Paris seems cool and Evie would be there too this could be fun. "I expect best behaviour in my lessons if you want to go." As she glances and looks at me. Surely I can still go just have to be polite and on time I guess until the term anyways shouldn't be difficult. "That's all today class thank you" she dismissed the class and everyone was leaving I tried to sneak out with the rest of them.

"Y/L/N!!!" she shouted fuck I thought I had gotten away with it.

As I made my way to the front of the room where her desk was, she was waiting for me looking me up and down like I was her lunch. My face turned red as I stood in front of her.

"where did you think you were going miss y/l/n? And why were you late?"

"n..no where I swear just forgot that's all and I didn't realise it was going to take so long to run all the way round the building it shouldn't happen again."

A blatant lie she could definitely tell all she did was smirk at me, fuck I shouldn't of stuttered couldn't help it as she was looking directly into my eyes. Her emerald green eyes just staring at me. She leaned and whispered in my ear

"Я уже видел, как ты пялился на меня раньше, видишь, что тебе нравится?" [I saw you staring at me before, see what you like?]

My face turned crimson well shit did I make it that obvious, it's like she didn't really care I was late. "you were staring at me too" I argue back

"I was making sure you were doing what I had asked you to do love." A nickname already? 'love' not sure whether I like it or not.

"Bullshit you're not professional you can't talk to your students like that"

"language!! And oh Y/n you want to be treated like an adult then act like it, do as your told and we won't have any issues do you understand me. Now get out of my classroom." She says angrily. I nod and head for the exit. "See you tomorrow for the detention 3pm sharp" I roll my eyes as I walk out of the room.

Fuck what just happened in there why did she make it hot and why did I enjoy it I know I'm bisexual but she is on another planet. She's hot and the way she speaks Russian is sexy. What an eventful first day of classes, not sure what to tell Evie but all I know is I need to get changed and be ready for football.

A/n - Hope you are enjoying it what do you think will happen in detention?
B :)

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