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A/n - Here we go

My alarm broke my peaceful sleep it was 5:00am it was too early to be awake but seeming it was my first day at university, I better try and make an effort as there was a lot was riding on me to do well and not screw it up like I did in school. Not sure how I even managed to get a place as I hate being told what to do and having to follow all these rules blah blah blah. Plus my grades are not the best thing in the world. Im smart but don't use it as I've been told by many teachers.

I was so deep in thought that I forgot to turn my alarm off as I went to turn it off my roommate threw her pillow at me. "Ouch what the fuckkk Evie". she just giggled and turned back over to go to sleep. "Y/n you need to get up and make sure your alarm doesn't disturb me again I'm not getting up at this stupid hour we don't have classes until 8am why are you up this early." Evie sleepily says. "I'm going for a run I have the try outs for the football team today". "Y/n/n your crazy you know that right". We both laughed at the fact I was really about to go for a run at 5:15am. I got changed into leggings and a top grabbed a jacket and left for my run.

It was September and surprisingly it wasn't overly cold outside London was pretty as the sun was coming up and it was peaceful. 45 minutes later I returned to my room and snuck in so I didn't wake Evie up. Grabbed a shower and figured out what I would wear for my day ahead of me.

I decided to go for some cargos and a Nike jumper with my white air forces. Something comfortable for the long day ahead of me. I decided to watch tv while I waited for Evie to wake up. 7am her alarm went off and she shot out of bed looking confused that I was already ready for the day.

"Why you staring weirdo" I state laughing at her.

"Nothing you actually ready to go and we still have an hour"

"Thought I would make the effort for the first day yanno." She nodded and made her way to the bathroom. 15 minutes later she came out ready for the day.

We both talked and discussed what we had I had. Maths, Biology, English and Russian my core subjects I was studying. And Evie had Maths, Criminology, Sociology and French. She was a lot smarter than me but also so down to earth so we go on well. Glad to have already made a friend seeming I didn't know many people here and making friends isn't my thing.

We made our way to the first class together seeming it was maths and we were in the same group. 15 minute walk from our dorm wasn't to bad. Mr Madders was our teacher he seemed chilled out. The lesson went flying by and before I knew it the 2 hours was over with. I said my goodbye to Evie and left for biology. This was were it got tricky I didn't know where I was going. I hadn't really bothered to check where the classes would have been after I got my timetable 2 weeks ago.

Surely it couldn't be that difficult to find after rushing around the campus I found the classroom and was only a few minutes late. Mrs Phillips didn't seem to care so I sat down and got on with the notes that were on the board. 50 minutes later the lesson was over and I headed to the canteen to look for Evie. I spotted her with some new friends. At least she was making friends. Evie introduced me to Matt and Claire they seemed lovely and we chatted and ate lunch together.

I didn't have to go to English until 2pm so I went back to my dorm and chilled out and watched some tv. English was a breeze, Mrs Davies was so polite to us and made it a great first lesson even if we got homework and revision to do straight away. Maybe this wasn't going to be all so bad after all it was laid back compared to college and school and I was even enjoying myself. Still doesn't mean I want to be here but my parents forced me so here we are. It was 4pm and my last lesson for the day was Russian, not a clue why I picked it I was pretty good and picking up languages at school so I could understand a little but not a great deal. As I was walking towards were I thought Russian was I couldn't see anyone let alone the professor.

As I walked closer to the door a note said "To my classes we have changed room due to a leak we are now on the opposite side of the campus. Room 27B And you better not be late many thanks professor Romanoff." Well now I'm completely fucked it's already 5 past 4. And I'm outside of 21A should I just skip today and email her telling her I had lady issues and wasn't feeling well or suck it up and go to the lesson. Being conflicted on what to do I decided to run to the lecture what's the worse that could happen?

A/n - First chapter done what do we think? Let me know
B :)

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