hospital + epilogue 

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The agents sat anxiously in the waiting room of the hospital. They knew Reid would be okay and they were all glad they reached him in time but it would never stop their worrying.

"Is anyone here for Spencer Reid?" A young nurse asked.

5 individuals arose from their seats and followed the nurse to the room Reid was in.

"Spence.." JJ said as she almost ran into his arms. "I'm so glad your okay. We were all worried sick."

"Yeah, you took a real hard beating back there kid." Morgan stated. "What were the injuries?"

"Moderate concussion, sprained wrist, stab wound to the lower abdomen and palm, and a broken rib." The nurse informed. "I'll let you all have some time alone now, though Spencer will need to stay in the hospital for a couple of days."

Prentiss had informed Garcia that Reid was found and she insisted on flying in that moment, though it was late.

"Is there anything to eat here?" Reid questioned.

Hotch walked toward Reid with a small cup of jell-o in his hand and a plastic spoon.

"Jell-o! My favorite." Reid practically swallowed the cup whole.

"When was the last time you ate?" Asked prentiss.

"A couple days ago, but the hospital said my IV fluid would be enough."

"Days? Nuh-uh, I'll go get you something from the cafeteria." Insisted Rossi.

Hotch sat in the chair next to Reid's bed. "Reid, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I shouldn't have let you go alone, I mean especially the state of mind you were in its just-"

"Hotch, you can't possibly be blaming yourself for this. It had nothing to do with you. Whether someone came with me or not, the SUV would have been totaled and I still would have been taken. This guy knew about my mom, my dad, basically everything that's happened to me."

Hotch gave Reid once more a tight embrace just before his friends walked in with a light snack, including Garcia.

Reid felt safe now that he was with his family. He was glad to see them again, and he knew that this is where he belonged.

Side note: This is my first story so i hope you enjoyed. Sorry this chapter was so short but unfortunately this is the end. Lmk if you want a p2 and I can start working on that

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