chapter 9- stitches

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Reid woke up in a cold sweat, he felt chills on his body.

When he looked down Reid noticed his shirt was removed and Jason had patched up his stab wound. He also noticed a cast like wrap around his wrist. Reid had assumed correct, it was indeed sprained.

"Well you look surprised." He spoke as he entered the room.

Reid stayed quiet. He had a chance to view his surroundings. He appeared to be in another abandoned building, perhaps a warehouse of some sort.

"What, no witty comeback? I've always known you to have a sense of sarcasm Dr. Reid."

"You don't know me at all." Reid whispered under his breath, though Jason was right. Reid did tend to have a sense of sarcasm at times.

"I see you're not in the talking mood. That's alright, you don't have to speak. But you will speak later. Oh you'll do lots of that. You'll even beg!"

The young agent let his head fall forward. What did he mean by this? Reid thought. Spencer was abruptly brought back to reality when he felt a large pain in his gut.

Reid let out a large groan. He was hit again, again, again before he even had a chance to acknowledge the feeling that shot throughout his body.

"You're still not ready to talk, are you? I have all the time i need Spencer. You will die in 2 days, whether your FBI friends leave or not."

Jason let his wooden bat collide once more with Dr. Reid's chest before pulling out some new toys to play with.

It was a large kitchen knife, the tips seemed to have been sharpened.

Jason began to make small incisions on Reid's body, right before thrusting the knife into the palm of his right hand.

Reid almost screamed in agony. "I'll talk, i'll talk what do you want to know."

The room fell silent, a slight smile creeping upon Jason's face.

"I can recite whatever you want, I can tell you whatever it is you need me to. Don't hurt me anymore, i'm begging."

A laugh escaped from the man's lips, "I did say you would beg, didn't I?"

"You're a cruel, mentally deranged man Jason Gacy."

The blood from the young agents palm was creeping down his arm, it began to create a small puddle on the floor.

Jason chose to ignore what Reid said and focus his energy on other objectives.

"Let me patch that up for you." The knife that was lodged into Reid's hand was twisted into the opposite direction before roughly being removed. Jason pulled out a stitching kit and some gauze.

"Might as well stitch that knife wound on your abdomen while i'm at it." Jason added.

"What is the point of torturing me if you're going to patch me up afterwards. It's like you're prolonging my death."

"Bingo!! This one's a winner. If I kill you off now, that just takes the fun out of everything. Your screams are like music to my ears. When I heard you beg for me to stop, something inside of me just snapped. I enjoy hurting you. You're gonna wish you hadn't murdered my son, because i'm gonna do the same to you."

The needle from the stitches ran through Reid's palm. He tried not to make any sound as Jason had just admitted he enjoyed the noises of pain he emitted. Gacy then moved onto the stab wound on his abdomen.

"I sure did rough you up good didn't I?"

Reid stayed silent, for the first time he was unsure what to say.

"Answer me!" Jason yelled.

"Yes, you did. You uh, roughed me up." Reid stuttered.

"That's more like it. Your stitches are all done, why don't you rest for now."

"It's hard to rest when you have my strung up to the ceiling like a puppet." Uttered Reid.

"Well that's to bad. Get comfortable, you'll be there for a while." Jason exited the room and Reid was left alone.

His stomach growled, he hadn't eaten in a while. Reid felt weak, his was injured and with no food he wouldn't be able to escape but it was worth a try. The young agent deeply observed his surroundings but there was nothing. Just a bunch of junk that was too far out of reach and the ropes that held his hands above his head.

Reid was fatigued, he'd been strapped like this for a day now. His body was sore and he was sure he would die here.

But Reid couldn't think about that, he had to stay positive; At least try and figure out where he was. He knew he was still in Minnesota, just unsure of the city. Soon, the boys eyelids began to feel heavy. Was he actually falling asleep?

What an amazing feeling, to fall asleep voluntarily and not be whipped with a gun, or punched in the face, forced into unconsciousness.

The burning in his eyes soon stopped, and he felt relief.

Side note: It sounds like Reid just died but I promise he's not dead he's actually just sleeping 😭

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