chapter 3- Questioning

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The jet had landed and everyone was going to their designated places.

Hotch had pulled Reid aside before hand and let him know he would be speaking with the family of Dean Winsbarrow.

When Hotch arrived at the Police station, he realized just how crowded it was. The whole station was in chaos. Officers moving all around.

"Aaron Hotchner? From the BAU?" A man said as he walked up to Hotch.

"Yes, that's me." Hotch said as they shook hands. "You must be Sheriff Fletcher, I presume."

"Yep, we spoke on the phone. Where are the rest of your agents?" Fletcher spoke out.

"My agents are speaking to the victims families at the moment. Is there a place I can set up? Perhaps an un-used conference room?"

"Ah, yes, follow me."

Sheriff Fletcher led Hotch to the conference room in the back of the Police station. It was only used for very important meetings. They didn't have a lot of those.

Hotch attempted to figure out victimology, but it seemed as if the victims had nothing in common.

Meanwhile Morgan had arrived to Jessica Guzman's house. He rang the doorbell and was greeted by her husband, Mark, and her 2 kids on the couch.

"Can I help you?" The man asked.

"Yes, actually. Sorry to barge in, but my names Derek Morgan i'm with the FBI." Morgan said pulling out his badge. "Can I ask you a few questions about Jessica?"

Mark nodded his head solemnly. "Come in."

Mark led Morgan away from the living room, where his two kids were watching SpongeBob on the sofa. They appeared to be around 7 and 6.

"Is it okay if we talk in here? I really don't want Sarah and Jackie hearing about this."

"Of course, whatever you're comfortable with." Morgan pulled out pictures of the others that were taken and laid them out on the table for Mark to see. "Do you recognize any of these people?"

Mark hesitated slightly. "Not that I know of."

"Okay. Is Jessica in any groups currently? Or maybe a gym membership?"

"Well Jessica typically goes on morning runs and does at home pilates on the tv but that's all. She's very shy and introverted. It's honestly a shock we met. I'm the opposite." Mark said with a slight chuckle.

"They do say opposites attract." Morgan added attempting to lighten the mood. "Does Jessica have many friends?"

"She has a few friends from highschool. They might know those people on the pictures."

"Can I have the names please?"

"I'll write them down on a piece of paper for you. Eric Sal, Jamie Johnson, and Marcie Con. Those are currently the only people she communicates with besides me that I know of."

"Great, thank you so much for your time. What was your name?"

"It's Mark, and Agent Morgan. Please find my Jessica." Mark said as tears swole in his eyes.

"I'll do my best." Morgan replied with a smile."

JJ was in Kira Vangs Dormitory speaking with her roomie.

"So, what did you say your name was?" JJ politely asked.

"It's Isabella, but everyone calls me Izzy." Izzy seemed quite upset.

"What is your relationship with Kira? Are you guys close?"

"She's my best friend! We grew up in together in the keys. Our parents went go high school together. She's practically my sister." The tears in her eyes had now dropped and were strolling on her cheeks.

"I understand how you feel Izzy.." JJ placed her hand on Izzy's. "Can you tell me anything else about her?"

"Kira's very outgoing and popular. The both of us are. I mean we practically know everyone in sophomore year, even the people in grades above. She goes to every party there is and is friendly with everyone. I can't think of a single person who would want to do anything to her."

"She sounds like a great kid.".

"She is."

"Do you recognize any of these people? And do you think Kira would?"

"No. All of Kira's friends are my friends and vice versa. But those people look pretty fit. There's a gym we both go to it's across the street. We don't use the one at this college because we try to meet more people."

"Can I get the name of that gym please?"

"Anytime Fitness. It's on 156th street."

"Thank you so much for your time Izzy."

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