Chapter 24

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Morgan: Okay, for this viewing Izuku's gonna be finishing up his Licensing Exam

Nero: UmU! I can't wait to see it!

Artoria(Saber Alter): Same, though can you spoil it for us?

Morgan: Because Izuku took out the entire competition with his Servants, he'll be facing the Top 10 Pro Heroes.....including All Might

All Might shrieked in fear hearing that. Just why did his counterpart agree to fighting Izuku again!?

Lancelot(Saber): Why would he be there? Surely he remembers what happened during the Final Exams?

Morgan: Yes he does. Though I believe that like Nighteye the HPSC persuaded him into it as he's the current No.1 Hero at the moment

They nodded at that while All Might was cursing the commission for dragging his ass into this.

Morgan: Speaking of Nighteye. I'll temporarily bring him back and bring some of the Top Heroes to watch with us

He snaps his fingers as Nighteye returned who looked straight out traumatized as he kept muttered something about "Demon Children", Morgan also brought Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist, EdgeShot, Mirko, Ryukyu, Gang Orca and Fat Gum. He simply gave them the info they needed for the viewings and told them to take a seat which they did as the viewing begins.

Aizawa: So you and your Servants didn't hold back whatsoever.

Izuku is with Aizawa and Nezu as they are talking in one of the waiting rooms of the Test Facility.

Izuku: What? We did hold back, well I didn't hold back at that asshole but if BB was able to get footage of him, then you'll understand.

Aizawa: Considering what we heard from the last viewing it's completely understandable

Ryukyu: Yes, and from the information we were told that boy should've gotten arrested after the exam

Nezu: Then I'll make sure to see if she did. But now to more important matters. As you can tell, you are the only one who passed the first portion of the exam. Even if the Schools we're able to get enough points to pass, they were sadly all eliminated.

Aizawa: The rules stated that if you were to be hit in the designated 3 spots or we're knocked unconscious, you are eliminated.

Izuku: So it's really me left, huh?

Aizawa: Yes, so right now. We are waiting for the announcement for the next part of the test. It was suppose to be another rescue operation, but with you going in there alone it would be unfair.

Izuku: But I can just summon my Servants and use Nightingale's NP for this situation.

Nezu: Sadly the idiotic commission has other plans for you.

And just like that the announcement came in the speakers.

Announcer: For the next part of the exam, due to the number of passers in the first part of the exam. The scenario now is 10 high-rank Villains have captured the city and used it as a stronghold. The Hero must eliminate all the Villains and capture them.

Nezu: What are his limitations this time?

Mera: You are only allowed to fuse with 1 Servant, you are not allowed to summon any of your Servants. Doing so, will be an automatic failure.

Emiya(Alter): 1 Servant Fusion and he's not allowed to summon us Huh?

Medusa(Lancer): That won't stop Izuku

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