Chapter 23 **A door Closing, A whole wall Opening!**

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Jorne blinked and narrowed his eyes.

If they had the vial that Malory is talking about and get it as evidence...A witness to state what it could be used for or...That's right! Use this time to find more on her and possibly get a bigger punishment! With the person that Lady Venus is, she would be bound to have more that we could find!

"If you cut off her hands, give her the vial to stop her from getting pregnant, then I will feel more at ease for what she has done." Kael stated. It seemed obvious that he wanted her death instead, so this was probably the only thing he would agree too...

Jorne looked up and raised his eyebrows...Cut off her hands?

That doesn't really stop her from doing tricks still but...

What to do?

What she was caught doing will not be a death penalty. What they could contain in evidence, to stop someone from getting pregnant, could be helpful to get a bigger punishment, so they could start from there and keep her detained while they investigate.

"Malory, do you know where she kept the vial?"

Malory nodded, "Her...Quarters."

Looking at Kael, Jorne said, "If we find enough evidence on Lady Venus, we could get her into the cold palace, or beheaded."

Kael looked at Malory and sighed, "Whatever Malory wants."

Nodding at Kael, Jorne then looked at Malory, even bending a bit to be closer to her height. "Malory, there could be a chance for a deeper punishment for her crimes. If you can show me where the vial is, it will help us achieve justice for you too."

Malory blinked and nodded. She was still glad that she had not taken the first option of taking that vial, even though she did feel humiliated. What was a little bit of bullying though...She was used to it...Losing the ability to become pregnant though would have made Kael sad. So, the choice had been easy...


Without my knowing, evidence was being found to led Lady Venus into a deeper punishment.

I didn't know that perhaps I was saved from never becoming a mother. I didn't know that Lady Venus was never to come back to her quarters. I didn't know that Jorne was going to do his utmost to gain justice for me and what she had done to me, even though he didn't want to involve me directly. Actually, the deeper that Kael, Malory and Jorne looked, the more evidence they found against Lady Venus. They even found a source that led to the passing of Madeline, able to find justice for her as well, even though her life was already extinguished...And so, it really was an easy type of decision upon Lady Venus's fate...And that was that she could not stay alive...

With all the times that I babysat little Jordan, with Neil by my side, I didn't know that Malory and Kael had been busy. I saw them, well Malory more then Kael, but I thought they were just forcing me to take the child to teach me!

I liked it yes, the little boy was a little joy to beheld but...Why did they keep such a secret from me!?

I didn't know for a while actually, right up until the public found out, that was when I finally learnt that Lady Venus was being beheaded and that the General, Malory and Jorne had been busy all this time to achieve that possibility.

The Warmonger's Runaway PrincessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon