Chapter 12 **In the Middle of Confliction**

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"Uh!" I had wanted to shout or say something else, but my lips were captured...

As much as Jorne wanted to put all the blame on this woman for having come this far, he couldn't...

There had just been no way he was able to hold back when she had continued to touch him and accept his advances!

There was only one thing left now and Jorne waited patiently as he continued to move a thumb and take a certain woman's lips with complete determination!

There was no going back, only forward!

Jorne was thanking his lucky stars that Oliver had accepted so much, even forgetting now of the place they were in, or the bed that they were on...Nothing was more important right now to make this woman completely his!

I dug my nails into his back and held tightly to him with my legs and felt like time stopped for a moment.

By the time that my lips were free once again, I hissed but found that I couldn't just shake him off...

With his thumb on a special place, his...On another special place, his lips kissing my neck and a never before thing happening to me...I didn't shake him off...

I felt hot and wanted to whimper.


That seemed all I needed to plunge my mouth onto his and try to do as he did to me.

And as I tried to do that, another thing started to happen, and it made me make all these strange, little noises!

...I know...Deep down...Even though this was surprising, deep down I felt like I was finally accepted completely by this man.

Perhaps...Perhaps I had felt a bit down about not preforming my wifely duties after all...


Finally, I wasn't breathing so heavily anymore but I was sweating like crazy.

Till now, I had been caught up in the feeling and who was here...Now...Now I was finally thinking again.

This was it, wasn't it. That husband and wife thing.

What a naughty boy, we weren't even married anymore!

Hitting him on the shoulder, I pouted.

"What was that for, love?"


Staring at him in bewilderment, I lost my voice.

He was still...On top of me and all around me...Everywhere!

His arms were holding me tight, and even though I was sweating, and he was hot, I didn't bother to pushing him away. No...I think, what took most of my attention at the moment was how...Wet I felt...

Having my period was not even like this...

It was weird and I felt strange.

I was also a little uncomfortable, as I was sure that I would feel pain if I moved too much or...Something...

Actually, I was trying to figure it out, but I was still in a dream or something.

Was it always like this?

Feeling kisses now on my sweaty face, and a drop of his sweat fall onto my head, I looked back at him...

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