Chapter 20 **Scary Factor**

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Suddenly I was moved to be on Jorne's lap, making me let out a small yelp!

"Oliver, I have been so nervous...You must compensate me!"

His words shocked me, and I turned to face him. "Why?"

"Your Father is smart and would probably come up with a way of taking you away from me. I even knew that, and you saw me just now, acting my emotions to the idea of you not trusting me."

Putting a hand to Jorne's face, I could still see that it had hurt him, "I...Don't think it was distrust. Well, not completely. I just didn't want to be abandoned, especially in the palace, but mostly by you! I guess, I just needed you to know that I wouldn't let it happen!"

"So, you do trust me?" Jorne asked and I could both see and feel his hope.

I smiled, "I want to trust you. I..."

He cuddled me to him then, "I need you."

He needs me?


Leaning forward, I kissed him, to see him quickly kiss me back.

He needed me!

For some reason, it felt so utterly great to hear him say that!

Was it because I felt like I needed him too?

That...He'll stay by myside, like I can stay by his?

I must be dreaming!

How can such a person like him need me?

I...Became a maid, I was a commoner.



"Oliver, I know you are independent and all. I know you probably will act if something goes wrong but...Can we always just try and work things out first? Don't act first, talk first. I won't always know if I've done something wrong and you'll have to tell me or threaten me! Just...Don't just...Disappear, please!"

Jorne grabbed my hand, holding it tightly in his, and I nodded at him.

We were adults after all, we could maturely speak about whatever is troubling us.

"I promise." I said, not needing him to demand it off me.

We both loved and needed each other, so if anything does go wrong, we will have to speak about it first!

Which meant, we can't act out our emotions...Which was probably a good thing.

Of course, it might be hard while in the process, as now there was nothing to be emotional about, unless you added in happiness...

Finally, our marriage felt complete.

I didn't know if this was what it was like with others but now, I felt like we were equals and desired the same thing.

We both wanted our relationship to work and knew that we might have some work ahead of us but...This was like putting in the last stone into a building to make it work...Or something like that...

"Me too. I might be a Prince, but I can make mistakes and if you don't tell me what they are, I may never know what comes between us."

With that, we smiled at each other and once again kissed.

Jorne deepened the kiss this time and I gladly accepted his offering.

But...A knock sounded at the door, which brought us apart.

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