Chapter 4

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** ALEC'S POV - (bet you didn't see that coming) **

After leaving the library with all the books in hand, I walked back up to the guest room where I was staying and saw my sister sitting on the end of the bed.

"Here. I got you something to read from the library downstairs," I said. I handed her the books and watched her face go into one of shock and joy. It amazed me how much a person or vampire to be more specific, could like a series of books.

"Seriously! Thank you so much! Where did you find these?" she asked.

"Kyla had them downstairs in her own hidden compartment in the library," I said. She nodded before starting her series of books. As I was finished with my selection of books that I grabbed about two hours later I noticed Jane had finished the whole freaking series of Harry Potter.

"Are you finished with the books?" I asked my sister. She nodded before handing them over. "I'll be back. I'm just going to take these all back down to the library," I told her.

My sister smirked at me before stopping and saying,"You know you aren't good at hiding your emotions around me. Sorry to say dear brother but I know that she's the one for you. Kyla's your la tua cantante." As I opened my mouth to deny her accusation, I found myself not being able to. My sister was right. The young girl with so much pride, passion and dignity is my true mate. The one I would do anything for. The one who has melted my unbeating heart. The one I want to spend FOREVER with. I nodded in agreement to my sister's statement and much to my surprised she squealed and embraced me in a huge hug.

"Whoa! You feeling alright sister? I thought you would've been like beyond pissed," I bluntly stated. She rose her eyebrow at me before hitting me in my shoulder.

"Yes I'm just fine. To be honest I'm glad Kyla's your la tua cantante. I actually really like her and think of her as the sister I always wanted. No offense bro. So go take the books back so you can see your mate," she said while pushing me out of the room. I knocked on the door of the library and waited for a couple minutes to see if anyone would answer. After not getting an answer I walked in and saw Kyla asleep on the couch with a copy of Romeo and Juliet on her chest. After the marking the page it was opened to, I placed it on the table. As I turned to walk towards the door I heard a small whimper. When I turned back around I saw Kyla shaking and thrashing around in her sleep. I ran back towards her and picked her up and held her while saying soothing words to try to calm her from what I assumed was a nightmare. After a few minutes she calmed down and it was then I decided to carry her upstairs to her room since it was right next to mine. As I got back upstairs, Jane walked out of my room.

"What the heck happened?" she whispered.

"I went to return the books and when I walked into the library she was asleep on the couch. When I turned to walk out the door I heard a small whimper and when I turned back around I saw her shaking and thrashing about from what I presumed was a nightmare. I went and held her to try and calm her down and after a few minutes she stop shaking and thrashing. I decided it would be best to put her in her own bed," I explained.

"Good idea. If it happens again, you should be able to hear it. I'll open her door. Go put her in her room," my sister ordered. I just nodded and walked with my sleeping angel in my arms. After setting her in her bed I placed a kiss upon her forehead letting my lips linger there for a moment. When I walked out I bumped into someone. Looking up I saw it was Kyla's brother standing there with his arms across his chest.

"You really care for her, don't you?" he asked. I just nodded and braced for whatever insults or physical force he was going to probably try to use against me.

"Look she's my little sister so I will tell you this once and once only. Break her in any way, whether it be physically, emotionally, mentally or all of the above and you can guarantee that I won't hesitate to turn you into ash. She's already been through a lot and I will not have her going through a repeat of that again. Understood?" he sternly questioned. I gulped and nodded in agreement.

"Alright then," he stated before walking off. Walking back to my room I couldn't help but what to think when Karson said that Kyla has been through a lot. Maybe someday she'll tell me. I know for a fact now that I, Alec Volturi believe in a little thing called love. I now only hope that Kyla feels the same way too.

**A/N- Awe :) Alec's got it bad for Kyla. Plus Jane sees her as a sister. Didn't see that coming, did you? What do you think Karson meant by Kyla's been through a lot? What do you think is going to happen next? Vote/Comment for the next chapter and as always thank you for reading.

**PICTURE OF ALEC TO THE SIDE ----------------------------->

~Adrienne aka its_a_shortiee

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