Chapter 0

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Marvel Universe 416

Chapter 0
The One above All
But Below some

Hello, my fellow Watchers. Welcome to Universe 416. I know it seems like a desolate place. But don't worry now there is much to tell. Yes this used to be a rich, lush, world filled with people like you. But for now you are all just watchers. Dear Readers of this narrator. Don't be scared. I'm just here to tell you a Story. A story of how some great Heroes came to rise. Ah, yes but I'm sure you want to hear about Earth?

Well Earth is in a disorderly state. You see, somehow someone allowed fractures of other universes, galaxies, and planets to collide into the lovely Earth 416. Hence the look of 4 bowling balls with a couple Hearty Ice cream scoop chunks taken out of each. Smashed together like a toddlers finger painting. A chaotic tattered world.

The Avengers tried their best. Make no mistake, they fought long until their last breaths escaped from their weary bodies. Oh yes but who am I? And how do I know that? Well you see I'm the one above all but Below some. And this Universe you see has been gifted to me. So I've decided to share it with you.

But, alas you want to hear more about this place than me. So let's get back to our heroes and world shall we? Many good avengers fought against the awful creatures that swarmed the new massive Earth. The initial impact wiped out many, who were unprepared for such a chaotic event. Most survivors refer to it as "The Fracture." It was the end of normal life as they knew it. Rats as large as men scattering up from the ground. Demonic creatures and zombies with no soul or life to them terrorized what large portions of Humanity remained. Some were so vile and horrible I dare not even share. Nor wish to encourage your imagination to think of such horrors.

The Avengers fought. And fought. And Fought. Until most could fight no more. But then Hope was restored to humanity after many, many months of fighting. For you see they were all saved. By the Great Viktor Von Doom. The new God Emperor of the Earth. Long may He Reign.

The God Emperor. Viktor Von Doom. First of his name. Doctor of Disaster. Vanquisher of Thanos. Destroyer of Plagues. Hero to Humanity and its friends. Lord of Appletown. Master of Mystic Arts. Father of Science. And Lover of the arts. Long May He Reign.

I know those words may surprise some of you. But yes its quite true the God Emperor is in fact the one who saved Humanity those many years ago. Quite a Man Dr Doom is. Or should I say He has become. For you see long before "The Fracture" Doom saw a prophecy of the total annihilation of the Earth. After witnessing the events having nearly wiped out all of Humanity previously. Along with almost killing Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Doom escaped from his prison cell and secluded himself for a decade. Until Doom was perfectly in sync in terms of Body, Science, Magic, and Mind. With a wave of his hands entire armies vanished like a raindrop hitting a flame.

But don't fret my dear Readers. Dr.Doom isn't our Hero in this tale. No no I'll introduce you to them quite soon. A certain Thunderous personality for whom she loves her long Blonde Hair. Despite her love of a certain "Thorn" in her side. A never ending optimist swinging for attention. An Old Punisher of foes. A scarlet maiden of great power. A Roguish figure leading the charge. And a loveably annoying talking head. Don't worry I left out plenty from our new Gallery of Heroes coming to the stage. I mean who doesn't love a good heroic origin story? Even if they might be Demonic Queens!

Our world is full of Heros to combat these nightmarish foes. While many of the former Villains managed to survive and thrive during the Fracture. Of course some act under the guidance of the emperor. While others try to stay away from his ever watching eyes. Know this, our Heroes you can trust. But others whose voice and thoughts you don't get to hear? Well you'll have to make your own judgments about that.

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