Chapter 21: Heal Her

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I opened my eyes and looked around to see that I was now lying on a pile of leaves. They must've put Grace and I on them when we were pulled from our avatar bodies.

I quickly sat up and looked around to find Neytiri or Bakteyo. They had to know what was going on.

I stood up and ran around, trying to find out where they could be. After a few minutes, I found Kiri, who was aiding one of the injured women.

"What is it, Y/n?" Kiri asked.

"I need to see your mother," I responded.

She nodded and motioned for me to follow her. We walked forward through the crowd of people to the front to see her mother kneeling down and praying.

"Mother," Kiri spoke.

Neytiri opened her eyes and looked up at us. A concerned look grew on her face when she saw that Grace was no longer near me.

"It's Grace. She's dying. I beg the help of the Great Mother," I said to her. My voice was shaking. I was so afraid to lose her. She's been with me since I first arrived on Pandora. I wouldn't be where I am without her.

"Bring her, Y/n," she said urgently.

I nodded and quickly made my way over to the shack. I explained to Norm and Trudy what had to be done and they agreed. We made our way over to the link where she was laying almost lifeless.

"Grace, Neytiri is going to try to fix this. I'm going to bring you to her," I stated.

She nodded and held out her arms so I could pick her up. She was light like a child. My avatar body had strength that I often forgot about.

I carried her back to the Well of Souls and made my way through the crowd. Norm followed behind me, holding Grace's avatar. The people moved out of our way, realizing what had happened.

"Look where we are, Grace," I said with a smile.

She opened her eyes and looked around the area, stopping her eyes on the Mother Tree.

"I need to take some samples," she said, giving a weak smile.

Neytiri watched us approach the front of the tree and motioned for us to place both bodies on the roots of the tree. She then motioned for Norm and I to step away.

"The Great Mother may choose to save all that she is in this body," Neytiri spoke, moving her hands from Grace's human body to her avatar body.

"That's possible?" I questioned.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Neyetam standing behind me.

"I heard what happened," he whispered.

"Possible, yes, but she must pass through the Eye of Eywa and return," Neytiri continued. "But she is very weak."

I knelt down next to Grace and held her tiny human hand in mine.

"Hang in there Grace, they're going to fix you," I stated.

"I'm so proud of you, Y/n. You gave these people you're heart while I couldn't. Your mother would be proud of how far you've come," she croaked.

I felt my eyes begin to tear up at her words. She was like my fill in mom. When I needed my mother, I had Grace step in for her. She made sure I ate when all I wanted to do was be in my avatar body. She prevented me from doing stupid things to the best of her abilities. I couldn't lose her. Not now.

"Help them. You do whatever it takes. You hear me?" She continued.

"I will. I promise," I responded.

Kiri and her mother stood behind her bodies and began to chant. All of the Omaticaya began to sway and chant as others played the drums to a slow beat. I continued to sit in front of her bodies, holding her human hand as they continued on.

I looked down and saw small threads come out of the roots and spread over Grace's skin. I watched as her body was being fused to the ground. I looked over and saw that the same thing was happening to her avatar body.

The chanting continued as Neytiri held her arms out and chanted with them. Her eyes rolled back behind her head, showing only the whites of her eyes.

Grace suddenly gasped and stared blankly at the sky. She looked happy and full of hope. Had it worked?

"I'm with her, Y/n, she's real," she said, amazed.

She let out one last shaky breath and then went still.

"Grace? Grace!" I exclaimed.

The roots fell away from her human body. I looked over at her avatar body, hoping she would wake up in that one, but the roots pulled away from her avatar as well.

Neytiri stopped everyone from chanting and looked between the bodies. She let out a sigh and looked back up at me, grabbing my shoulder in a sympathetic way.

"Her wounds were too great, there was not enough time. She is with Eywa now," she said, sadly.

Kiri removed Grace's oxygen mask and gently closed her eyes. She was gone.

I stood up and the tears started to stream down my face. Neteyam quickly stood up as well and embraced me in a hug.

"She was a good woman. Very strong," he whispered. "We will all miss her."

I pulled away and stared into his eyes. He cupped my cheeks and whipped away the tears.

"Neteyam, we need to fight. For Grace and for your people," I spoke. "We mustn't wait any longer"

He nodded and pulled his hands away. I looked at Bakteyo and took a few steps toward him.

"With your permission, I would like to speak now. You would honor me by translating," I said to him.

He gave a small nod and stepped forward so we were now standing side by side in front of the people. Neteyam was standing on the opposite side of me, with Lo'ak, Kiri, and Tuk standing on the opposite side of him. I cleared my throat and began my speech to the people.

"The sky people think that they can take whatever they want and no one can stop them. But we cannot allow that. We need to ride out and tell the other clans to come. Tell them that the Omaticaya clan needs them. Fly now with me brothers and sisters!" I cried as Bakteyo translated. "We will show the sky people that this is our land!"

The clan broke out into cries and screams. The shouts were so loud that they could've been heard throughout the forest. I had had enough. We all had had enough. This needed to end. Now. 

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