Chapter 5: Meeting Pandora

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The next morning, I sat with Grace, Norm, and the other avatar drivers while we all ate breakfast. We were surrounded by miners, troops, and other base personnel as they scoffed their breakfast down quickly. It was like they hadn't eaten in days.

I looked up from my food and noticed a woman dressed in a flight suit walk over to our table. She had dark hair that was pulled back and sunglasses to hide her eyes. She said something to one of the men at the table and glanced up at Grace, Norm, and I.

"Hope you guys are enjoying your breakfast. I'll see you later on for our flight. Zero nine," she said before walking off.

"Who's that?" I asked Norm.

"That's Trudy Chacon. She's a former marine with thousands of flight hours. She's the best pilot that we have on Pandora," he stated.

"She seems badass," I replied while going back to my food.

"She is," Norm said with a smirk.

Later on, we all met back at the link room to get back into our avatars. Grace was on the move, quickly drinking her coffee, ready to get the day started.

"Start calibrating. We're on flight line in ten minutes," Grace said to Max before walking into the room.

Norm and I followed and made our way over to our units. Norm climbed into his and began to adjust himself. I went over to my station and did the same. Grace walked over to me and made sure that everything was set up correctly. She began to mumble to herself.

"That son of a bitch has screwed up this program enough. All this exists so we can go out there and build a bridge of trust with these people, who could teach us so much. But thanks to Quaritch and his thugs the Na'vi won't even talk to us anymore," she grumbled.

"How is this supposed to work then? If they don't trust us," I asked.

"We have a new face," she said and then turned to Norm. "You're fluent, you've studied the culture. You're non-threatening. The ones we know best, the Omaticaya clan, may give you a chance. Maybe you can get them back to the table before things go tits-up for good."

"This is failing as a pep talk," Norm stated.

"How do we contact them?" I asked.

"We don't. They contact us. If they see us taking our samples, treating the forest with respect, they may reach out to us," she said to Norm and I.

"Y/n, you seem like you'd be good at communicating. I want you and Norm to try your best to communicate with them if they come into contact with you. I know you've been trying to learn the language so you're not completely useless," she said to me.

I laid down and Grace closed the clamshell and then closed the hood. I closed my eyes and began to switch back into my avatar body.

I woke up in the building again and Grace, Norm, and I quickly made our way over to Trudy, who was already waiting for us in her Samson. We quickly climbed into it and Trudy pulled us off of the ground, making our way over to the forest.

We flew over rainforests and rugged cliffs as we made our way to our destination. Trooper Wainfleet, in an exo-mask and body armor, leaned into his door gun, looking around for any potential predators that wanted to attack us from above. Grace, Norm, and I watched the forest underneath us as the wind blew through our clothes.

"Sturmbeest herd, one o'clock," Trudy said over the intercom.

Norm grinned and pointed excitedly. I looked out and saw a herd of massive six legged creatures that looked similar to buffalo running across the river.

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