Chapter 7: The Omatikaya Clan

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*Quick little author's note. I have realized that there's a lot of talking in Na'vi in the movie and there's just a translation, not how it's said in Na'vi. So I'm going to just put the English translation instead because I don't want it to be wrong. Also, I know what the names of the animals are but the reader in the story doesn't so that's why I'm just describing them.*

I followed after the boy as he pulled me along with him. I noticed that his hands were rough, most likely from climbing in the trees and the rugged activities that he had to do. I looked down as we walked and noticed the ground lighting up as my feet touched the moss.

"What's your name?" I asked as we continued walking.

"Neteyam," he responded.

"Well Neteyam, it's nice to meet you but where are we going."

"The clan."

"You are not much of a talker are you?"

"It's best that we do not talk. I want to get there as soon as possible."

We continued to move forward until I began to hear a sound coming toward us. Several Na'vi riders were riding toward us. They were riding six legged creatures that looked similar to a horse. The rider's queues were connected to the horses. It was almost like they were using those to control the creatures instead of using their hands. The riders aim bows and spears at me as they approach.

Neteyam's face turned to anger as he stepped in front of me, ensuring I was protected from their fire. The lead rider, a female, approached Neteyam and gave him a glare.

"Sylwanin, what are you doing here?!" Neteyam spoke in Na'vi.

Sylwanin was young and had a strong build. She was gorgeous with a sharp jawline, piercing eyes, and an attractive body.

"These demons are forbidden here. I will kill this one as a lesson to the others," she responded in Na'vi. The two continued to communicate back and forth in their language as I sat there confused.

"Stop this! There has been a sign. This is a matter for the Tsahik," Neteyam stated, not moving from the middle of Sylwanin and I.

Sylwanin clenched her jaw and let out a frustrated groan. She turned around and angrily mounted her horse, demanding the others to follow her. Neteyam relaxed as they made their way forward, but they still made sure we were following behind them.

"Come now," Neteyam said to me in English.

I nodded my head and followed Neteyam and the other Na'vi for what felt like miles, constantly moving around fallen logs, huge plants, and long tree roots that could be as thick as a cow. Finally, after my feet felt like they were going to fall off, we arrived at this massive tree. This must've been the Great Tree that Grace mentioned.

I followed behind Neteyam as we made our way up the tree and into an open central area. The villagers gathered around to see the Na'vi arrive with one of the sky people. I felt everyone's eyes follow me as we continued walking. There were mothers with babies and children, old women, and young Na'vi all watching. Some were curious while others were giving me death glares.

As we continued to watch, we made our way up to what appeared to be a totem that the people gathered near. Standing in front of it, were five Na'vi, who were speaking to each other. All of them appear to be of different ages. Neteyam and I approached the older one, who I can only assume is the clan leader.

(This is where it might get confusing. Remember, Jake is called Bakteyo and he is the Olo'eyktan while Neytiri is the Tsahik. All of his siblings are there as well including Kiri.)

"Why do you bring this creature here?" The leader stated in Na'vi.

"I was going to kill her father but there was a sign from Eywa," Neteyam responded in Na'vi.

"I do not want her here, Neteyam. She is not one of us and will only cause harm."

"Father, many atokirina came to this alien."

"Uhm I don't mean to interrupt but what's going on? I can't understand you," I asked Neteyam.

"My father is deciding whether to kill you or not," he whispered.

I gulped and began to get more nervous. I had no way of communicating with him to defend myself so I had to hope that Neteyam could defend my life for me. Then again, I haven't known him long so he could throw me under the bus.

As Neteyam and his father went back and forth, a woman walked up and pushed them both out of the way, making her way closer to me. She stopped and turned to Neteyam.

"I will look at this alien," she spoke to him.

The woman was tall and slender and stood at average height for a Na'vi with the athletic build of one who knows well the ways of Pandora's perilous forests. She had black hair at medium length in thin braids, with colorful feathers and beaded clasps. Her outfit was elaborate.

"This is mother. She is Tsahik, the one who interprets the will of Eywa," Neteyam whispered.

His mother began to walk around me, examining my tail, queue, and hands. I felt a little uncomfortable but I knew that it was best for her to check me to see if I could be trusted here.

"What are you called?" She asked me in an accent.

"Y/n L/n," I answered.

She took a long thorn from a necklace on her neck and quickly striked my chest. I flinched and furrowed my brows as she ran the thorn on her tongue, tasting my blood.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"I came to learn from you. To learn your ways and culture," I responded.

"We have tried to teach other sky people. It did not go well."

"I assure you I'm a fast learner. That's all I've been doing since I arrived here."

"What is your role here?"

"I don't have one. I'm no scientist or soldier. I help scientists with their studies since my mother wasn't able to do her studies here."

The woman turned away and faced Neteyam. Neteyam, who had his eyes locked on us the whole time, turned to make eye contact with his mother.

"My son. You will teach her our ways, to speak and walk as we do," she explained in Na'vi.

Neteyam's eyes widened and he began to look annoyed and angry. Whatever she had just said to him, he did not like it.

"Why me? Have Kiri or Lo'ak do it. I only-" Neteyam whined before he was cut off.

"It is decided!" She demanded.

Neteyam groaned and grumbled something under his breath, which I did not understand. His mother turned back to me and began to speak once more.

"My son will teach you our ways. Learn well, Y/nl/n, and we will see if your insanity can be cured," she spoke to me.

"Thank you," I said, slightly lowering my head to express my thanks.

She gave a slow nod and turned back to Neteyam, who was glaring at us.

"She is your responsibility now," his mother said in Na'vi before walking away.

Neteyam nodded. He was accepting of the situation but he was not happy about it. He walked over and grabbed my arm, pulling me away.

"Everything is okay, right? You're going to teach me-" I was cut off.

"Do not speak."

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