Chapter 6: The Night

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*Third Persons POV*

Soaking wet and bruised, Y/n walks through the forest carefully. She looks around frantically and stops whenever a branch snaps. She is scared and on high alert. It appears to be darker under the blanket of trees, almost giving the impression that it's night.

In the trees, a pair of bright golden eyes watch from the shadows.

As Y/n walks below the tree branches, she is unaware that she is being watched by a young Na'vi boy. He watches intently as she passes by. He is strong and muscular with hair that was braided with beads. He is devastatingly handsome and in human age, he would be considered 18. His name is Neteyam.

Neteyam rises from his hiding place and nocks an arrow into his bow and draws, aiming directly at Y/n. Y/n is totally unaware of what is happening above her. Neteyam followed her with his bow, muscles tensing. As he is about to fire, something stops him. A woodsprite floats down and lands on the arrow head. It looked similar to a dandelion seed, but bigger and glowed in the dark. Neteyam lowered his bow slowly as the woodsprite floated away from him. He frowned and continued to watch the young girl.

*Back to Your POV*

I continued to walk throughout the forest, trying to stay alive until Grace, Norm, and Trudy could find me. The odds did not seem like it was in my favor. As I trudged along, I heard a noise behind me. I stopped and turned around to see shapes moving in the shadows. They slinked around and made sounds that sounded similar to a hyena's laugh.

I looked around rapidly and noticed there were several pairs of green eyes watching me in the dark. My heart began to race. I wasn't sure how long it would be before the creatures would lunge at me. The only light that had was from the glowing plants around me and I had nothing but the stick I picked up when I got out of the river.

The laughing wouldn't stop. It was coming from all around me. On the ground. In the trees. I was surrounded.

The psychotic barks become more intense as they signal each other, getting excited at their next meal. One of them charged at me and I was able to dodge out of the way. Another came after me and I smacked it across the face with the branch I was holding. It yelped and cowered away. I quickly looked around and saw that there was no way out of this.

"Come on! Kill me already!" I yelled, ready to accept my death.

One of them ran at me, grabbed my leg, and knocked me down to the ground. A different one made a dash and bit my arm. I screamed at the pain and tried to fight but there were too many and they were too big. They started to come closer when suddenly a heard a sound and one of them fell to the ground. I turned around to see what they were looking at and I was surprised.

A Na'vi boy jumped down from the trees and began hitting the creatures with his arrows. One of the creatures ran at him and he swung his bow, hitting it upside the head. Another one ran at him, tackling him to the ground. He rolled and put his weight on top of the creature, holding a knife in his hand. The knife went down and hit the creature directly in the chest.

He quickly climbed off of the creature and began hitting the remaining creatures with his bow, scaring them away from him. I sat there in disbelief as he yelled and hissed at the creatures running away. He stopped and listened to the creatures yelp in the distance. He nodded and looked over at me, scowling.

He walked swiftly past me and knelt down next to one of the dying creatures. The whimpered and tried to get away from the boy, but he stopped the creature from doing so. He pulled his knife out of it, whispered something in Na'vi, and cut its throat. The area had gone silent.

He wiped his knife and placed it back in its sheath. He stood up and walked over to another creature that he had killed to protect me. He knelt down and pulled the arrow out of its body and began muttering in Na'vi again.

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