"Let's park the car on the side of the road, that finger pancake looks good, let's go have breakfast!"

    Ruan Tian: "???"

    Seeing Ruan Tian's surprised face, Shen Tinglan couldn't help but smiled and rubbed Rubbing her hair, "Anger is anger, we can't be angry on an empty stomach, right~ You woke up so early and didn't have time to eat breakfast! Aren't you hungry now?" As soon as she finished speaking, Ruan Tian's stomach let out

    " grunt" sound.

    Ruan Tian could only park the car on the side of the road blushing.

    Shen Tinglan put on a mask, and dragged Ruan Tian to the roadside stall of hand pancakes.

    Standing in front of the stall was a girl with a good figure, waiting for the stall owner to make finger cakes. Her lazy demeanor made Shen Tinglan quite familiar.

    When they got closer, Shen Tinglan finally recognized the girl in front of her.


    She was surprised and almost called out Si Xu's full name.

    Si Xu turned around and raised his eyebrows lazily when he saw her, "Hey, Little Rose? What a coincidence."

    "Little Rose?" What's the name? Shen Tinglan was at a loss for a moment, thinking that he was wearing a mask, thinking that Si Xu had admitted the wrong person.

    "Oh, I forgot to tell you the nickname I gave you last time." Si Xu explained straightforwardly, "Little rose with thorns. Doesn't it sound nice?" What kind of strange name is this


    Si Xu didn't give Shen Tinglan a chance to ask about the origin of his nickname, so he asked first, "What are you doing here? It's only after 5 o'clock, don't tell me you came here for breakfast.

    " Stomach angry, she couldn't help muttering, "Because I was lied to..."

    Shen Tinglan turned her body calmly, blocking Ruan Tian, ​​and interrupted with a smile, "You may not believe it if you tell me, I just wanted to come over for breakfast."

    She didn't want Si Xu to know about these things, otherwise it would seem like she was begging for help.

    But Si Xu is also a human being, and he immediately extracted the key information from the few words Ruan Tian muttered.

    "Have you been deceived? Who deceived you to come here?"

    "Tsk, this place seems to be a studio. Could it be that someone deceived you to come to shoot at 5 o'clock?" "

    I saw that your fan club mentioned "Fashion Front" I invited you to do an exclusive interview, so they did it."

    Shen Tinglan didn't expect Si Xu to reason the whole thing out in a few words, and she cupped her hands in admiration, "You are really a detective who was delayed by actors! "

    I got it right?" Si Xu raised his eyebrows.

    At this time, the stall owner also finished the pancakes, Si Xu took the pancakes, and gave the stall owner the money for two more pancakes, "Two more pancakes, the configuration is the same as mine."

    Shen Tinglan and Ruan Tianqi Say thank you.

    Ruan Tian looked at Si Xu curiously, "So the rich second generation also eat finger cakes?"

    Si Xu took a bite of the finger cakes, and said vaguely, "The rich second generation is also a human being, so he has to shit himself .”

    Ruan Tian: "..."

After regaining the halo of the heroine, She became popularUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum