His lips tingle before he even pulls away, smiling against her mouth before parting.

            He wonders if every kiss will feel like that.

            He wonders if he’ll ever kiss her again.

            If she’ll come back.

            Or if she’ll leave too.

            “Don’t look so upset,” Trinity snorts, a small grin on her face. “She just has to leave.”

            That’s what he’s afraid of.

            But then Skylar is pressing her lips to his ear, her breath warm as it fans over him. “I’ll be back,” she whispers, and then she plants a kiss on his cheek, and Zayn is awestruck when he watches her leave.

            Because it’s like Skylar always knows exactly what he’s thinking and she knows him better than he knows himself sometimes.

            And that scares him too.

            Niall’s the first to catch sight of the love bite. He’s leaning in to give Trinity a parting hug, when his eyes catch sight of a small purple bruise right next to Skylar’s collarbone. “Is that a—”

            “Don’t say it!” The girl warns, and by this point, all of the others are interested too. Zayn’s stepped out of his room, leaning in the doorway, watching the exchange.

            “Do you have a hickey?”

            “Niall!” Trinity frowns that the Irishman, giving him a slight shove. “She said not to say anything.”

            The blonde frowns, his eyebrows folded in. “But… I mean, I didn’t see her and Lou together at all tonight and—”

            By now Skylar’s face is buried in her hands, and she’s just wishing that the ground would swallow her up. Of course she was going to tell the boys, but for goodness sakes, not like this. Not until she and Zayn figured out exactly what was going on.

            “That’s because Louis,” the boy in question starts, an almost animalistic growl forming in the back of his throat. His fingers tighten around the controller that he’s holding, and he shoots a pointed look at Skylar, who’s cowering back now. Zayn wants to go out there and hold her, but he has a feeling that it will only make things worse. “Louis had no idea about it either, Niall.”

            Niall’s eyes widen, his jaw dropping a bit when he realizes exactly what dilemma he’s just started. A whole can of drama, when all he really wanted was to tease Skylar a little and out her and Louis, because the sexual tension between them had been unbearable.

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