His pleasant and mesmerizing scent filled my nose and tugged at my heart sweetly, while his gaze alone was enough to bring me to my knees. 

His gentle and tender touch made my skin tingle, and a chilling sensation spread all over me.Not even my wolf could deny the strong connection that tangled between me and Dracula as we both felt the heat rousing up beneath.

His hands stroked my hair and slid down my back, tracing their ways down my butt which he rubbed sweetly and squeezed gently. My legs trembled, and a silent moan escaped my lips. Just that touch was wetting my pants and sending shudders up and down my spine as I closed my eyes, savouring the pleasure I hadn't felt in my entire life.

"We are in public, and everyone knows I am a student here." I mouthed, smiling sheepishly while he giggled and held my chin up to his face. His tender palm on my cheeks was really heartwarming.

"I wish I could actually explain how wonderful you are. How I could look into your eyes and never get tired of their beauty. You gave me something that no one had before. You gave me peace. Like a river that had been rushing and waving violently, you made it still, and I found my rest right in your arms." He quavered, emotions reeking out of his tone.

My eyes were teary, and I didn't even know when I began to sob silently in the overwhelming feelings of being loved once again. My life had always been full of pain and rejection since my mother died. Hearing all this from Dracula really made my heart melt entirely.

He wiped my tears with his palm, and I began to laugh at the gesture. It felt so good. So good beyond what words could explain.

"We can still enjoy the few weeks we have. Death can't tear us apart. I know I've been a beast in the past, but I promise it will all end with you. Let's love and stay with each other forever." He cooed, and I nodded continuously as tears of excitement fell from my eyes.

Our stomachs made a grumbling sound of hunger, and we both burst into laughter, plopping back into our chairs.

"Hungry lovers..." I snickered, and he laughed melodiously again, as usual, gleaming those white, perfect teeth that made him more handsome.

"What would you like to eat?" He asked me gently with a sweet smile curling up his lips as his eyes glistened with unspeakable passion and affection—the type I had never seen before.

I was really stunned to see this new Dracula all of a sudden. I was gaping in awe. No one had ever looked at or treated me this way. It was filled with so much love.

Dracula was the last person I ever expected to give me such a look. He was my mate, but when we first met, I thought he was my terror and the source of eternal pain and grief that would tear me apart. I didn't know it would change so soon.

Someone who almost killed me for calling him his mate was the same man who was actually displaying all this intimacy. It was really melting the core of my heart.

"Anything you like, you can serve me, Lord." I breathed, biting my lower lips to push back the crazy laughter that threatened to burst out as I gazed dreamily at him.

He beckoned at one male waiter who came over, and he whispered something to him. The man went back to across the counter but not without stealing a quick glance at me as a huge smile plastered all over his face. 

He was taken aback when he saw me sitting there. Not even the workers in the restaurant would believe their eyes after seeing the famous poor slave to Scarlett sitting here with Dracula, the man of every woman's choice.

"A group of girls attacked you and poured away your food, warning you to stay away from me, right?" He asked with a menacing smile that was enough to make me know those girls were either going to face danger or were already in one.

"How did you know?" I sighed, recalling how shameful it was when they did all that to me. It was even more heartbreaking when the students around me mocked the poorly prepared food I was eating. It was jollof rice with little or no spices. The type had been cooked and served to servants in the palace.

"Someone told me. You don't have to worry about them, I will deal with that issue soon, and I am sorry for not being there to stop them." He breathed, and my eyebrows furrowed as I narrowed my gaze at him.

"Why did you suddenly decide to treat me like your mate? And were you for real when you said those words? What did you really mean by what you said earlier?" I throw out all question unclear on what I really want to know about.

"I said a lot earlier, more than I had said for the past months. Which of them are you asking about?" He inquired, his face beaming with smiles like never before. I just couldn't understand why the cold and sadistic Dracula suddenly turned this way.

His smile was so cute that I started blushing for no reason. He was just the perfect man for any woman, and I felt so unworthy to be the woman he chose. 

How did I become his mate, and wasn't I the same woman he almost killed earlier in my pack when we first met just because I called him my mate? He warned me savagely never to call him that and blocked the mindlink between us.

I thought my joy had ended, with no hope to ever have a life of bliss, love, or happiness. He must have hated me because he knew there was no happy ending for us.

"I know a lot is going on in your head." He chuckled, and I nodded, sinking my lower lips between my teeth.

"Ask me any questions you have in mind, and I promise to tell you the whole truth." He cooed, placing his hand on the table and taking my hand into his.

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