It hurts me more that I would be part of the destruction of the same family and friends that made my life worth living before and after my parent's deaths.

"If I were you, I would act normal and stop being dramatic. Are you still having second thoughts about our deal? Do you still feel like betraying me to save this bunch of fools in this pack?" She whispered, smiling wryly, while I shook my head vigorously.

She chuckled and nodded.

"Today is the day you've been waiting for. Go to school, and when you return, I will let you know the plan I have to instantly get Ella dead and gone in a blink." She winked as she said those words in a hushed tone.

My heart tugged and skipped a beat as I gulped and found it hard to talk. Tears were warming up in my eyes as what she said made it dawn on me that the day of this pack's destruction was now closer than I thought.

She giggled and walked away, swaying her hips proudly. I became weak at the knees as I leaned over to the wall, inhaling and exhaling heavily as my heart pounded hard and accelerated erratically in pure guilt and sadness.

"I have no choice. I am so sorry, Alpha Darren. I am so sorry for everyone here. My hands and legs are tied. I can't even reveal Ella's identity or make attempts to protect her. I hope and pray you all find a way to escape this calamity."

I mused, tears streaming down my cheeks while I quickly wiped them away with the back of my palm.

I turned over to the stairs and began to trudge to the last floor, feeling so heavy and lightheaded as I wondered what Laura might have in mind to do to Ella.

Selene's POV.

The door of my room was kicked open with a force that made me turn sharply, surprised that someone could actually barge into my room that way.

The angry look on my face faded when I saw it was my mother. She had a huge smile on her face, and I could hear her giggling as her eyes glittered in glee.

In a hurry, I sat up from the bed and dried, squinting at her as my lips curled up into a smile too. My heart was literally racing as I anticipated the best news of my life. She told me she would return and give me feedback, which could be either good or bad.

Seeing this beam on her face, I knew it had worked. The plan must have gone as we all arranged it.

"It is done!" Anna, my mother, squeaked, and I hopped like a frog, jumping on her as I gave her a tight hug, gasping and laughing uncontrollably as my heart grew heavy with unending joy.

"The Lycan prince is yours. There's nothing to doubt about it. His parent has approved the future marriage and has accepted that I will do everything possible to make him choose you as his queen." My mother announced, grinning from ear to ear, in her squeaky voice.

"I trust you and Dad!" I moaned, not really knowing what to say because I was overwhelmed and my lips were shut in astonishment. I was already imagining us.

In a few minutes, I will be getting prepared for a special visit to see the Lycan king in his kingdom.

I'm overjoyed because the plan worked out, and no matter how cold or heartless the Lycan prince was, he'd be bound to treat me well until his heart got used to loving me.

"We are close to our victory. We're only a few steps away from becoming the most powerful werewolves in the world. We can finally get our revenge on that fool who thinks he is the greatest Alpha! We will slay Alpha Darren and his family like goats and turn his pack into a slave den! His whole members will become our slaves!" Anna crooned with a lopsided smile while I giggled as she pecked my cheek.

"So dad was able to poison the tea and act up as the savior for the Lycan king?" I chortled, tucking my blonde hair behind my ears as mom winked at me.

"The Lycan king only sees us as neighbors since this pack is close to the Lycan boundary, but now, we are his family. He saw with his own eyes how his tea maid slumped and died after sipping the tea she prepared for his queen. What made it look so real was that the tea maidservant was adamant on drinking from it at the beginning." My mother sat down as she began to relay the story.

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, she was claiming not to be worthy of drinking from the queen's cup, not to mention tasting her tea. It was fun watching her gurgle blood and convulse before dying. The Lycan king was so enraged that he went as far as killing her children and putting her husband in chains to become a slave." We both burst into laughter at this part of the story.

The imagination of their deaths in my head was so heartwarming and amazing. After being trained up by my parents to be the villain, killing was now pleasing to me, especially those who stood in my way to get what I desired.

Wondering who I am? Let me introduce myself briefly.

My name is Selene, 19 years old and the daughter of Alpha Drake, ruler of the Crystal Moon Pack. a pack known to be the weakest and one that others make jest of for being powerless and having few members.

We are criticized and jeered at as if we weren't werewolves like the others. Alpha Darren sees us like dogs instead of wolves, and we have lived with his mockery and torment for years. The powers he got to become the greatest were meant for my father.

He thought we didn't know that he betrayed my father, who was once his friend, and stole the magic staff that was dropped for him by an ancient sorcerer. We will never forgive him for this.


With the Lycans associating with us after I marry the Lycan prince, we will be undefeatable, and that is when we will arrange a bloody attack that will catch him unaware.

When I get to that Royal Blood High School, my target will be every soul that originated from the Red Moon Pack, everyone ruled by Alpha Darren. I will make sure the venomous charm and witchcraft from my mother are used to torture them all secretly, especially whoever turns out to be his only daughter, who should be the heir to his throne.

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