{Chapter V}

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Catra's pov

All morning my fathers lackeys had been circling around my apartment they even broke in earlier to try and find me I guess. "Gee, do they ever give up." I said aloud. I could hear the sheets rustling on my bed which told me that she was up. 

"Rise and shine, princess." She froze in place and directed her sight to where I was. Her eyes widened as she recognized me. "I advise you to not scream or my father will find us." Her mouth opened and closed. 

Guess she was thinking about my father? What a horrible man. "Why did you do this?" She asked me. Tears started to brim and I felt myself panicking. 

"Because I love you."
"If you love me couldn't you show it a different way!?"

"Shh, quiet. Your way too loud." 

"Way too loud!? Way too loud!? Is that really all you care-" I stopped her from speaking anymore because of how loud she was starting to get. "I'm sorry." I whispered dragging her from the bed. 

"I'll keep you safe princess. You're safe now." 

Mine's Forever- Catradora Kidnapped AUWhere stories live. Discover now