He opens his mouth, I raise a hand to stop him and bring my other to my temple. "Save me the headache that'll come from your excuses and call me cab, I'm leaving."

To where, I don't know.

In truth, I have no where to go. No one to call. And the only person I seem to want is as good as dead to me.

Only, instead of dwelling on the depressing story that is my life, I choose to hold onto the anger.

"You're not going anywhere. You nearly died had it not been for Sabrina-"

I groan, his faux father spiel doing nothing but annoying me.  His act may have fooled me once, but I knew better now. "Tell me she got stuck in the fire and didn't make it out alive."

He purses his lips. "Sabrina's the one that found you passed out. She dragged you off the dock- she saved your life-"

"You raised a stupid girl." I brush off, shaking my head and planting my feet on the floor. "If she knew better she'd have left me there to die."

"Don't say that." His voice shakes as he takes a seat right next to me, "I already lost a son today, I won't loose you." Despite the emotion in his voice, he doesn't cry.

I guess even mild psychopaths were immune to death.

His words register, taking me back to the gruesome death of his son as I tense up and decide to play dumb. "Who died?"

He reaches over and places his hands atop the small boys ears. "Mateo didn't make it off the boat."

"Tragic." Sarcasm drips from my tone as I debate telling him the yet despite wanting to watch Adrik get a war he's not prepared for. I know I'm not ready for that.

And in this world, all I have is myself.

Silvio merely frowns before that thoughtful look crosses his face, and the tenderness in his eyes softens his features as he looks to me, "But your okay and that's all that matters." He murmurs the last part almost to himself.

I can't tell what pisses me off more, the fact that he still has the audacity to act like he cares or the fact that he's stupid enough to believe his own lies. I choke out a bitter laugh. "The doting father act is getting old," I push myself up to my feet and glance around the room in an attempt to find any of my belongings.

This is the last place I wanted to be.

I find none.

No phone, no purse. Nothing.

"Especially when all you've done the past few weeks is put my life at risk." My body works twice as hard to walk out of the room, only when I get to the door, he steps infront of me, blocking my path.

"What are you talking about?" His eyes hold traces of confusion. "I'd never put you in harms way- did something happen?" Concern laces his tone, and I stop, my eyes scanning his features.

"Harms way?" I step forward, my voice lethal. "Is your head shoved so far up your ass that having your rat drive us off the road and nearly kill me isn't harms way?"

That look of pure confusion intensifies. "Don't fucking play dumb." I snap.

He's either mastered the skill of lying or is simply ignorant. "Celina, If I had a rat in the Bratva, I'd have gotten you out the minute Adriko took you."

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