40 - May 23

624 9 5

At a young age, I was taught that love was the greatest thing that would ever happen to a man. That love would be an earthshaking, mind boggling, ground changing component to ones life. The man who said this to me, my father, hadn't known what he was talking about. Not only would it be earthshaking, mind boggling, and ground changing, but it would also be shattering, cold hearted, and it would have zero remorse to its distasteful decisions.

As I sit here at the grave of Robin Arellano, I rethink everything my father taught me about love as a child and how it was mostly lies because I was a child and my father, when sober, wanted my purity to be treasured and kept safe.

Robin's death hasn't really quite hit me all the way. I don't think I really comprehend the concept of passing on. Today is May 23rd, a sunny spring day. The cemetery where Robin's burial was is empty besides myself and the other bodies amongst the cemetery. The air smells of rotted flowers and nature. The cemetery is quiet. I haven't been here in awhile, but yet its all the same. As if it's a time capsule paused in time. The only difference is that last time I visited, the leaves were crumpled to the floor, no green lush to be seen. Only firey, crumpled remains of plants. I hear steps push into the gravel, then a hand grasp my shoulder. "You ready to go, Finn?" Gwen asks, kneeling down so we meet eachother at eye level. I stare at her aqua eyes, then back at Robin's grave, then Gwen again. I nod. "Yes" I say as I stand up from my spot in the bright green grass. Gwen smiles, holding her hand out for me to grasp. I grab her hand as she leads me to where her car is parked.

As we walk, I stare back at where I once sat, where Robin laid, and I began to think.

I think I'll come back here tomorrow. I feel tears forming. I wipe them away. Love is strong. Love is painful, too. I drive away.

I chose a different way of expressing my story idea in this oneshot... bit more... wordy😝? Hope you enjoyed this spoonful of content bye now
And before i forget: im in a writing binge rn... so if anyone has any suggestions or things they wanna see done COMMENT because I will most likely do it !!

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