Chapter 22: Spin's Loyalty

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I got some quotes for this chapter from Girl Meets World. One of my fav shows. I own none of the quotes}

Spin's P.O.V.-

I walked to Dani's room. We haven't hung out that much, since she was busy with this whole advancement test. So. It was time to catch up. When I got to Dani's room, I knocked on the door. There was no answer. I knocked again, and there was still no answer. I put my hand on the cold doorknob, and turned it. The door opened. I stepped into the room, and heard little whimpers. I closed the door and locked it. I walked over to Dani's bed.

She was buried under blankets. Her whole body was under blankets, except for her arm. I stepped closer to her bed, to get a closer look, but stopped when I smelled something metally. I felt something on the bottom of my boots. I bent down, and lifted my foot up. The floor was covered in blood. A confused look crossed my face. "Dani, wouldn't? Would she?" I mumbled. I heard more whimpers coming from Dani.

I gently lifted her arm up, and turned it around so I could get a look at Dani's wrist. And I saw what I thought. Dani's arm was covered in cuts. I dropped her arm, and looked at her. She was shaking and whimpering. I felt so bad. I put my hand on her shoulder. I jumped back at the sudden contact. Her skin was so cold, like ice. I touched her again, and gently shook her. The whimpers slowed down. I felt Dani shift her position. She sat up, and her eyes opened. I looked at her eyes. Instead of her normal warming brown eyes, they were a cold icy blue color. I furrowed my brow in confusion.

"Dani. What happened? You're as cold as ice," I told her. She looked at me. This time, I got a good look at her face. She looked so pale. There were dry tears on her cheeks. Her brown hair, turned to this sort of whitish color. She looked heart broken.

"D. Tell me, what happened," I demanded. Dani looked down at the floor and stood up. She walked over to her desk, and picked up a tablet. She walked back over and sat on her bed. I sat down next to her. She began to type. When she was done, she handed the tablet to me.

(Dani Messages = Italics)

For my advancement test, I had to fight Chase.

I looked back up at her. "So? You had to fight Chase. What's the big deal?" I asked my friend. Dani took the tablet back and typed something new.

The big deal, is. Chase and I had become friends. And I might have developed a crush on him. When Mr. Davenport told us, we had to fight, I thought it would hurt him as much as it would hurt me. But it didn't. He hurt me. Physically and emotionally.

I read it, and felt so sad. "Sorry, Dani. But. How does that have anything to do with, what has happened to you?" I asked, still a little confused. She sighed and typed away on the tablet again.

After the fight, I felt hurt and betrayed. I felt so broken. I ran back here and cut myself. Whenever I feel depressed my skin becomes cold. My eyes and hair can't haddle the coldness, so they turn icy blue or white from the coldness.

I looked at her. I felt so mad. At Chase. He did this to Dani. He broke her.

Spin. I'm done. Done with feeling like I have something to live for. SInce whenever something good might happen to me, hope builds up in me. And then something bad happens, and I'm left broken. I've learned before that. Hope is for suckers.

I stood up after that and headed for the door. Dani super speeded in front of me, before I could exit. She held up the tabelt with a new message on it.

What are you doing?

"I'm going to make Chase pay for what he did to you. If he was really your friend, he wouldn't have done this to you." I told her.

No, Spin. You have to understand. Somethings can't be fixed. Including what happened between me and Chase.

"Dani. Things can be fixed. And Chase deserves a beat down, for doing this to you," I told her. I pushed pass her and walked out of her room. I ran to the training area where Chase was, teaching a class.

"Where is he?!" I shouted when I got there. Everyone jumped when I entered and they all pointed at Leo. I rolled my eyes. "No. Not him. Chase," I said. EVeryone pointed to Chase who was beside Leo. I walked over to him, and stepped on his foot as hard as I could. He jumped and held his foot.

"Oww! What the heck was that for?!" He asked. "That was for hurting Dani!" I shouted. I then flipped him. He landed on his back in pain.

He jumped up. "Everyone. Can you leave for a while?" He asked, the class and Leo. They all nodded and left the room. Chase turned to me and glared down at me. "Look. I didn't want to hurt her. But it was a test. And it was a fight. I couldn't have let her win." Chase told me.

"This isn't about you winning. This is about hurting her." I said. "What-What did I do? Cuz' I made sure that I didn't hurt her so badly," Chase said. "You don't get it. Do you? Dani is breaking inside because she thought you were her friend. She-" I started. "I am her friend," Chase said cutting me off. I shook my head. "No. No you are not her friend. A true friend doesn't do this to another friend. You proved that you're not her friend. If you were, this would be hurting you to. But look at ya! You're here! Not hurting!" I shouted.

"Wait. Would do you mean, she's breaking inside?" He asked. "Dani, hasn't opened up to anyone in her life. You and I were the only ones she opened up to. We're the only ones she trusted in her life at the moment." I told him. "I-I-I-" Chase stuttered.

"I'm not here to get your side of the story. Just came here to tell you, what you've done." I said and walked out. I walked back to Dani's room. I found her sitting on her bed and staring off into space.

"Hey," I said, sitting down next to her. She handed me the tablet.

Why didn't you leave this alone?

"I'm sorry, Dani. I just couldn't. Chase needs to know, what he has done to you," I defended.

I told you Spin. Somethings can't be fixed. Chase and I are one of them.

"You're not upset anymore are you?" I asked.

Spin. People only get upset with each other when what they're talking about is important to them.

"I'm sorry." I told her.

I know you are. This isn't your fault. And it's not Chase's. It's mines.

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