Chapter 3: Mentors

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After Mr. Davenport had finished handing out names we all started classes. Today all of my classes are with Chase Davenport. His classroom was the room near the hydro-loop. I was sitting in a seat next to that 'Sebastian' kid. Chase was telling us what we were going to be doing today. 

"Anyway. I have scheduled today's activities by military time. If you'd direct you're attention to the virtual blackboard," Chase started, and turned the blackboard on. Someone raised their hand, "Hey! Donald the third, no questions until 11 hundred hours!" Donald the third put his hand down. I started reading the board.

0700: Bionic Ability Training                                                                                                                              

0830: Math                                                                                                                                                              

0900: General Horse Play- 6 1/2 MINUTES ONLY                                                                                      

1100: Q&A With Chase                                                                                                                                        

1200: Lunch                                                                                                                                                        

1300:    Science                                                                                                                                                      

1430: English 102                                                                                                                                                  

1600: Mastering Your Bionic Abilities                                                                                                    

1700:Pick My Brain!                                                                                                                                              

1800: You Are Dissmised

Great! I have a twelve hour school day, with regular and bionic classes. Spectacular! Why couldn't I have an indepentdent study like Leo and that Spin kid, I thought to myself. "Chase, it's only the first day. Take it easy on hm." Sebastian told Chase. "I am taking it easy on them. If you bothered to look at the magenta block, you would see that I scheduled 6 and a half minutes of general horse play! Shenanigans, if you will." Chase told us. I looked down. Sebastian walked up to the board, and looked at it. "Oh. There it is. I must have missed it since I don't have microscopic vision." "HA! I do!" Chase said, pointing at himself. "I'm just saying. If I was in charge-" Sebastian started but Chase cut him off. "Well, you're not in charge, okay? You're in my class, so why don't you sit down and pay attention?" Chase instructed him. I got a feeling that this isn't going to end well. "I have a better idea. Why don't we just have our 6 minutes of fun now?" Sebastian asked, hitting the blackboard, causing the blocks to scatter everywhere. "What are you doing? Why did you touch my blocks? Nobody touches my blocks!" Chase yelled, fixing the board.            

"Oops. Sorry. It must have slipped." Sebastian told him. "Just like now." Sebastian started messing up all the blocks by making them spin around and around. "That's it. You just earned yourself detention, mister!" Chase told him. "Good! I don't even knowwhat that is!" Sebastian shot back. Chase then stepped out of the room to clear his head after that.

"An Hour and a Half Later*

Sebastian was now lecturing the class. Well, actually, he was making fun of Chase. "And at 1400 hours we'll all jump out the window and get eaten by shark, because it's better than listening to... Oh, look. He's here." We all turned around to see Chase coming back to class. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Chase asked. "Look, I'm just trying to make people laugh before you put them to sleep," Sebastian told Chase, walking over to him. "I don't put people to sleep! I motivate them to think with their eyes closed!" Chase exclaimed. "Oh, well do you also motivate them to snore?" Sebastian asked. "That's it! It's time i showed you who's boss!"  Chase told him. "Really? Are you sure you've scheduled enough time for that?" Sebatian questioned. "I'll make room." Chase told him.  Bree came into the room, pulling Chase away from Sebastian. "Stop it. You cannot pick a fight with him, you're a mentor now." Bree reminded him. "He's turning my group against me!" Chase exclaimed. I wasn't against him. I thought he was actually a good teacher.

Bree walked over to Sebastian. "Sebastian, you may not like how Chase runs his group, but it's his. If you can't respect that, then maybe you should find a different one." Bree suggested. "Okay, when did i start talking like a mom?" She asked herself, walking away. "She's right. The two of us in the same group isn't going to work," Sebastian told him. "Finally, something we can agree on." Chase told him. "Great! So I'll take half of your group and make my own!" Sebastian turned to us. "Come on guys!" "What?" Chase asked. "Hey you can't do that!" Half the group started walking away with Sebastian. "Just did!" Sabastian called out, before walking out of the room. Chase turned back to what was left of his group. Donald the third raised up his hand. "DOES IT LOOK LIKE 11 HUNDRED HOURS TO YOU?!" Chase yelled. Donald the third put his hand down. I sighed. I have got to somehow ask and convince Mr. Davenport to let me have my own personalized track of study. But how? How was I going to ask him? I can't speak! I thought.


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