Chapter 9 1/2.

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A/N; Hi! Sorry I don't write much, to be honest this story got a lot more attention than I thought it would. So I'm extremely grateful for you all. I haven't really thought of how to format chapter 10 so I'm making a meanwhile chapter! Try to enjoy, or don't I'm not your boss.
P.s. the picture is from a conversation with a friend of mine over not so child friendly matters, so you now have an out of context math lesson 😁👍

Russia's POV
After the American stared at us for a half second, then storms off. Not even a mild apology? I believe that it is rude even in his country to interrupt a conversation, and to not even speak a quick apology..? I turn on my heal to storm after him but china stops me, reminding me that it is inappropriate to fight in a store. I turn to my original path, continuing my conversation with China as we walk to his vehicle. America put in a specific request that I do not drive after my road rage in New York. Weirdly enough he trusted me to drive him when his car broke down. Ever since then, he made me a forever passenger in his country. I was very unimpressed with his decision.

The conversion me and China are having is us just betting who's going to start a fight in the next meeting. I bet 2000 Rubles on the United Kingdom and France. China bet 208 Yuan on me and America. As we pull out of the parking lot, we call North Korea to settle the tie. He betted nothing between our bets, but he betted 8,969 won on Canada and America. We hang up on him, he wasn't useful to our debate. We finally made it do our shared apartment, and spit fron echo other to the directions of our rooms. The American found out where we lived one day and offered a bigger living space like the other countries have, we agreed to getting a new hotel but that's all China would allow him to do for us. Little did we know, America thought that our request for a different hotel meant a presidental suite in a fancier hotel. We let it be, because the American was being kind to us for once.

China and I exit our separate rooms and sit on chairs, continuing our debate. " Франция и Великобритания всегда дерутся во встрече, так что это лучшая ставка. Если вы сделаете ставку на меня и Америку, то потеряете деньги, мы избегали конфликта в течение шести месяцев. Мы просто будем избегать друг друга больше на этой встрече. (France and UK always fight in a meeting, so that's best bet. If you place your bets on me and America then you are bound to lose money, we have avoided conflict for six months. We'll just avoid each other more this meeting.)" I lean back smugly after my statement has been made. After the Cold War, that American has been walking on pins and needles around me to avoid any real conflict, which helps my case. China sits there thinking for a second, then snaps his fingers. " 但你一直在為戰鬥而死,對嗎?那個美國人與你進行了一場我們見過的最精彩的戰鬥。所以戰前先試一試總是明智的,而打架確實是檢驗實力的好方法。只是一個想法。 (But you have been dying for a fight, correct? That American puts up one of the best fights with you that we have ever seen. So it is always wise to test your strength before wars, and fighting can be a really good way to test your strength. Just a thought.)" I'm shocked, since the fight with Ukraine (which I lost), I have been dying to fight someone and blow off some steam. Though starting a fight with an emotionally unstable country seems a little too petty for me. So we agree to disagree, say our goodnights, and head to our rooms. Next week is going to be fun.


I was called at 10 pm, from China. He was asking me to place bets on who starts a fight next week. I bet on America and UK, due to what I saw. China seems confused for a second, but then it clicks, "你是說他們最近的那場戰鬥?他們為什麼要為此爭吵?(You mean that fight they had recently? Why would they fight about that?)" He seems genuinely confused. "その戦いが、私たちがこの会議を開催する理由だからです、ばかげた! (Because that fight is why we have this meeting, silly!)" I explain with a giggle. He turns silent for a few minutes, then wishes me a goodnight. I'm a little nervous about next week's meeting, if I'm honest..

Do we really want to know the truth about each other?

A/N: my friend said that they want Rusame so I guess that's what I'm doing. So bear with me please..? Have a good day! Bye!

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