Chapter 5.

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️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ Argument, medication, panic attack, mention of confederate

Ame's POV
I storm out of the restaurant after paying, when I get a call from one of my government officials. He complains about the states acting up, and not knowing why to do about it. Which is fine, I have control over those situations, until he randomly starts freaking out on me when I don't respond immediately.. are they being serious right now? I'm too tired for this. I tell them that I'm heading home now in an effort to calm them down but it's too late, they're already yelling into the phone. I'm halfway through the restaurant door when I start yelling back. "THEN GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND GET AWAY FROM MY ANIMALS! IF YOU'RE SO PATHETIC THAT YOU CAN'T HANDLE ONE SECOND OF SILENCE WITHOUT YELLING, THEN YOU OBVIOUSLY ARE TOO CHILDISH TO WATCH OVER MY ANIMALS!" As I start to yell at them I'm getting disapproving looks, the government person starts to back down and apologize about their outburst. I drop my loud voice, trying to get the judgemental eyes off of me. I forgive them and hang up, starting my car up.


I get home to complete chaos, all the states are growling, hissing, and just overall not getting along. I sigh, is it election season again? I slam the door shut, catching all of their attention. "Corners, now.." I say in a dark tone they all walk of into their respective corners. I thank the government official, pay them, and send them off. I turn to my animals and glare. Nope that person thinks I'm short tempered and violent towards people. They are going to report that, and get my babies taken away. No, I refuse to let them take my babies. As these thoughts start to plague my mind, I start pacing and mumbling. I stop in my track in realization of my actions, and then start heading over to my med drawer in the kitchen. I take the meds to help me calm my thoughts, and go feed the states. After all of them are split up and fed, I head upstairs to go to bed for the meeting tomorrow. Too much happened in one day, the moment I hit the bed, I fell asleep. So much for a good day.


I wake up at 4 am, I'm staring at a camera. I can decide if it's real or fake. What do I do? Do I break it? But what if it's actually one of the states' birds that came to check on me? But if it's real then they'll know too much, even by the fabric on my blanket. The meds were supposed to help, why aren't they helping? I can't have the states get hurt by a spy! What if it was the person watching my babies, did they set that camera up to find a weakness? WHY AREN'T THESE MEDS HELPING??? What if they saw my eyes, why would they care about your eyes? This is bad, I'm starting to respond to myself. Bruh just chill out, you're being so dramatic. Curled up into a ball in the corner of my room, I start to cry, what do I do?? Just chill out, you're acting like a psychopath. Is the second voice confederate?? No, he's dead. I'm acting like him.. am I going to split again?! I don't want to split. Do whatever you want, but just know you'll be quite vulnerable. "Leave me alone!" I demand, voice cracking as I cover my ears. I pass out after I realize that I broke my sunglasses.

Tell me you're lazy, without telling me you're lazy. Oh you know, I just decide to write a 620 something word chapter I take my sixth nap today. But sorry again for such a short chapter, I'm fixing my grades from my final exam. And trying to make myself eligible for mock trial. Anyways, I promise I'll try to do better at writing next chapter. Have a good day, and bub bye!


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