Chapter 9.

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United Nations
After we split up the fight, me and Nato walked back to the office to make calls about the new meeting that was set up. We then called Canada to request that he come to the meeting to protect people from the U.S, he agreed but under the condition that we require every other country to be respectful to each other. We agreed to the request, sent out an email saying the request and with further information on the thing. With that, we were done.

Ame's POV
I scoff as I finish reading the email, turning my phone off afterwards. I'm currently picking up new sunglasses that are reflective, grabbing meds, and food for the animals. I'm not really concerned about them trying to eat each other because they're all immortal, but I have to pretend to be a good owner. So UN said it was where? I'll be sure to be there, just a few hours late. Just because he has NATO, doesn't mean he has power. I grumble walking into the grocery store, I bump into two shoulders. I turn around to apologize but turn silent when I see who it is. Russia and China are glaring at me. I stare for a second and then turn around, storming the other way. I am NOT going to that meeting. At least, not with them. I take my phone out to make a call, I'll take Canada there with me. All he does is talk about his feelings, it'll distract the conversation from me. I see Japan in the cat food section. I'll go talk to her, try to get my mind off the meeting. At this thought, I walk up to her and say hi. She greets me in her language and turns to me. We talk about the weather, her animals, her politics -which I already knew all about- and more of her mythology. The topic a of the meeting is still on my mind so I bring it up as an offer as a new topic, "Hey Japan, what do you think of the meeting?" She hums in response, and answers. ( I'm google translating this in Japanese, because why not) "苦手なところを共有すれば、お互いに頼り合って強くなれる、素晴らしいアイデアだと思います。そして、私たちの感情を共有することへの信頼により、私たちの同盟は強化される可能性があります. それは理にかなっていますか?(I think it is a wonderful idea, if we share what we're weak on then we can lean on each other to make us stronger. And our alliances could be strengthened due to the trust in sharing our feelings. Does that make sense?)"

I blink for a few seconds, trying to translate it in my head. When I fully translate it, start to shift uncomfortably. I don't agree with her, but I don't wanna test her patients. She tilts her head staring at me for a response.. I'm an American, we're disrespectful and rude to people we don't agree with. We don't get social anxiety about sharing our options! Be rude. I inhale and change my poster from uncomfortable to angry. "I honestly don't see the point, if I want to hide something then let me hide something. I don't understand why we would need to share way more information that could get us killed by our enemies. It's literally my right to refuse to share!" A little dramatic but that's fine. Japan looks like she's trying not to laugh. She giggles, "古典的なアメリカ人とその傲慢さ。(Classic Americans and their arrogance.)" I scoff but smile, she's gotten used to my arrogance to the point she finds it amusing. This is why she's one of my closest allies.

We get the food and supplies that we need, check out, and head to our vehicles. We say our goodbyes and head home.

When I get home, I feed the animals and start packing for the trip to Japan. I lay on my bed and check my phone, Canada texted me saying, 'guess who's going to the next meeting!' I roll my eyes and fall asleep. I hate meetings.

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