8- Happy times

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Kokichi's Pov:

So Miu wants to hang out?
With ME?
That's odd... She should be mad at me because of what happened.
She must be planing something. Gotta be careful.

I closed the door and sat on the bed. I didn't really intended to change my clothes. I have other priorities.
Like thinking about what to do next.

Should I keep my act up or should I give up on the mask I held for so long?
I want to be closer to Miu and all that shit but for that I can't lie anymore. No one wants a liar arround... Or else...

You're alone Kokichi. And you always will be.

Huh... Guess I have to prove him wrong. I'll do my best to get close to Miu, but of course I'm not going to show her my weak side. I have a reputation to keep ya know?

I exited my dorm and met up with Iruma outside.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I was expecting you to tell me. What do ya want to do?"

She's asking ME something?
The Miu I knew would probably drag me to do whatever she wanted... Guess she has changed.

"Hum... What about the game room? We can find something exciting there! Wanna ask anyone else to come with us?"

She stoped for a bit. Then answered in a cold tone.

"... No. I want to spend some time alone with you."

My eyes widened and stared at the girl in confusion.

"Geezz if you're planing to kill me at least make it less obvious" I said in a joking voice.

Miu noticed her answer and corrected herself.

"NO! I would never! I-i just want to discuss something in private."

Well... That one took me by surprise... What does she want to talk about?
Oh no... She must want to talk about... Her death in the VR. I own her an apology after all.

"I see. Then lets go."

We headed to the basement, hoping for no one to be there.
For our luck, both the library and the game room were empty. I sat on one side of the table, took out my playing cards and shuffled them. Miu sat in the other side, staring at my hands.

"Do you know how to play poker?"

She nodded.

I gave her her cards and we started the game.

"... So. Before you talk, I'm sorry. And I mean it. I didn't want to have you killed, neither Gonta. I should have let you kill me-"

"NOW YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP. I already said I forgive you, Kich. That game made us do things we didn't want to. What happened is no one's fault but that Team danganronpa thing."

The first round ended. I won.

"Even so. I had the choice to die or to kill you both. And I took the wrong choice once again. There's no more discusion."

Miu glared at me, but didn't protest.

Second roud. Miu won this time. She's better than I thought.

"That's not what I wanted to talk about if that's what you think."

"It wasn't? Then what is it?" Now I was curious...

"I wanted to ask you... Come to me if you need to talk and all that cheesy stuff. I want to be there for you, ya know?"

"Ownn is Miu concerned about lil' me? What a joke!" I laughed. But Miu kept serious.

"It's not a joke. I feel you're not ok. And i saw what you went through..."

She placed her cards faced up on the table.

"... And even if you are a pretty good player, i will win against your mask in the end."


She... Won.

With this, she left.

Wow. So she knew.
I don't mind. It's not like I will loose to her again.
I'll never talk to anyone about my fElLiNgS or something like that. That's futile. Miu would probably just laugh at them or not believe in me.

I also left the room and reached to Miu.

"Hey! Are you really leaving me alone?!" I cryed a fake tear.
"I still wanna hang out with you! Come onnnn pretty please?"

Miu laughed. God, I never thought I would ever miss her smile. NOT A SHIP

"There are many games in here! Just choose one!" I begged.

We then spent the rest of the day playing in the arcades, talking and walking outside the building.
It was really fun.

After diner, we all went back to our dorms to rest.
As my head hit the pillow, I couldn't prevent from thinking.

It felt so good to se them all... I missed every single one...

But my smile turned into a sad expression.

I can't loose them again. I can't let them die here again. We must get out. I just don't now how yet.

My eyes felt heavy end in a matter of seconds, i was asleep.

Loner Liar - Kokichi Ouma Post-gameTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang